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[英]How can I add a third conditional to ternary statement?

I have a search box with 3 radio buttons. 我有一个带有3个单选按钮的搜索框。 The books and website radio buttons work. 书籍和网站单选按钮起作用。 When you enter a term with either of those radio buttons selected, it performs the search accordingly. 当您选择两个单选按钮之一输入术语时,它将相应地执行搜索。 However, I want to add another condition so that when the second radio button (magazines) is ticked, it performs the search to that url. 但是,我想添加另一个条件,以便在第二个单选按钮(杂志)被打勾时,它将对那个URL执行搜索。 link to my fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/pk4mowfg/ 链接到我的小提琴https://jsfiddle.net/pk4mowfg/

This is the line I believe needs to be fixed in order to achieve the goal 我认为这是必须固定的路线,以实现目标

searchType === 'website'? window.open(websiteUrl, '_blank')  : window.open(catalogUrl, '_blank');
let searchType = "catalog";
$("#catalog").prop('checked', true);

  if ($("#q").val().length > 0){
  let term = $("#q").val().split(' ').join("%20");
  let websiteUrl = 'https://www.delawarelibrary.org/search/node/'+ term;
  let magUrl = 'https://ohioweblibrary.org/search/?q='+ term;
  let catalogUrl = 'https://catalog.clcohio.org/polaris/search/searchresults.aspx?ctx=106.1033.0.0.24&type=Keyword&term='+term;
    searchType === 'website'? window.open(websiteUrl, '_blank') : window.open(catalogUrl, '_blank');

$('#frmSearch').keypress(function (e) {
  if ($("#q").val().length > 0){
  if(e.which == 13) {
    let term = $("#q").val().split(' ').join("%20");
    let websiteUrl = 'https://www.delawarelibrary.org/search/node/'+ term;
    let magUrl = 'https://ohioweblibrary.org/search/?q='+ term;
    let catalogUrl = 'https://catalog.clcohio.org/polaris/search/searchresults.aspx?ctx=106.1033.0.0.24&type=Keyword&term='+term;
    searchType === 'website'? window.open(websiteUrl, '_blank')  : window.open(catalogUrl, '_blank');


  searchType = 'catalog';

  searchType = 'mag';

  searchType = 'website';

instead of if else statements or nested ternaries you can define a urlMapper object and a function that will map your searchType to urls 可以定义一个urlMapper对象和一个将searchType映射到url的函数,而不是if else语句或嵌套三元数

const urlMapper = {
  website: 'website url',
  catalog: 'catalog url'

const getUrl = searchType => urlMapper[searchType] || 'default url';


You can use another ternary operation for the else portion of the previous ternary to chain them. 您可以对前一个三进制的else部分使用另一个三进制运算来链接它们。

searchType === 'website'? window.open(websiteUrl, '_blank') : 
    searchType === 'catalog' ? window.open(catalogUrl, '_blank') :
        window.open(magUrl, '_blank');

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