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[英]Pass Javascript object as prop in React server side rendering

I am using ReactJS.net to render react server side 我正在使用ReactJS.net来呈现反应服务器端

Below is the code in my cshtml file 下面是我的cshtml文件中的代码

@Html.ReactRouter("RootComponent", new {services="service" }, containerId: "containerID")

Here i need to pass services to the child component. 在这里,我需要将服务传递给子组件。 I have also declared the object in my entry point file 我还在我的入口点文件中声明了该对象

import service from '../../src/components/service.jsx';

global.service = service ;

Is there a way to access that object 有没有办法访问该对象

Should it be = instead of : ? 应该是=而不是

@Html.ReactRouter("RootComponent", new {services = "service" }, containerId: "containerID")

The written above means that in your RootComponent you will be able to access services in it's props . 上面写的意味着在你的RootComponent你将能够访问它的props services
So, it will be something like 所以,它会是这样的

class RootComponent extends React.PureComponent {
  // ...

  render () {
    const { services } = this.props;
    // ...

or 要么

function RootComponent ({ services }) {
  // ...

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