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如何使用mysql codeigniter对两个表使用select查询

[英]How to use select query with two tables using mysql codeigniter

I have two tables users and employers in mysql, I just want to get all records from both tables at same time. 我在mysql中有两个表usersemployers ,我只想同时从两个表中获取所有记录。

How can I do this using codeigniter ? 我怎么能用codeigniter做到这一点?

According to your comment, you don't have relation between both tables, so you can get the data as like this cross join: 根据您的评论,您没有两个表之间的关系,因此您可以像这个交叉连接一样获取数据:

$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();

If you want to use LIKE clause then you can just add: 如果你想使用LIKE子句,那么你可以添加:

$this->db->like('users.entity', $search_keyword_here, "both"); // here both means '%your keyword%'
$this->db->or_like('users.skills', $search_keyword_here, "both"); // here both means '%your keyword%'

You can use or_like for employers table also. 你也可以使用or_like for employer表。

Note that, when we use cross join it will produce result like (users no of rows *employers no of rows) 请注意,当我们使用交叉连接时,它将产生结果(users no of rows *employers no of rows)

CI Query Builder CI查询生成器

CI Database Reference CI数据库参考

Try this sql query 试试这个SQL查询

SELECT table1.column1, table2.column2....(put all tables and columns name that you want to join)
FROM table1
FULL JOIN table2
ON table1.common_field = table2.common_field;

[or go to this site] [或者去这个网站]

https://www.tutorialspoint.com/sql/sql-full-joins.htm https://www.tutorialspoint.com/sql/sql-full-joins.htm

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