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[英]Struggling with jQuery delay popup form

I'm hoping for a little assistance with an issue I'm having. 我希望对我遇到的问题提供一些帮助。

I have a popup on my site newsletter-popup-conatiner . 我在我的网站newsletter-popup-conatiner上有一个弹出newsletter-popup-conatiner (yes, that is the actual misspell of container used throughout the site) (是的,这是整个网站使用的容器的实际拼写错误)

From what I understand, the following 'should' delay the popup by 5 seconds. 根据我的理解,以下'应该'将弹出窗口延迟5秒。


Here is the newsletter module. 这是时事通讯模块。 After several unsuccessful attempts, I'm at a loss where to actually put the delay code. 经过几次不成功的尝试,我无法实际放置延迟代码。

        var popContainer = $("#newsletter-popup-conatiner");
        var newsLatterPop = $("#newsletter-pop-up"); 
        if(e.target.id != newsLatterPop.attr('id') && !newsLatterPop.has(e.target).length)

  $('.hide-popup').on("click", function(){
    var popContainer = $("#newsletter-popup-conatiner");

  $('#dont_show').on("click", function(){
    $.cookie('popup_cookie', 'pclosed', {
      expires: 3,
      path: '/'
  // console.log($.cookie('popup_cookie'));

  {% if settings.show_pupup and template == 'index'%}
  if($.cookie('popup_cookie') == 'pclosed') {
  {% endif %}


Any guidance would be greatly appreciated 任何指导将不胜感激

<body onload="myFunction()">

function myFunction() {
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 5000);

You can try this. 你可以试试这个。 It will show your container after 5 seconds on loading the page. 它将在加载页面5秒后显示您的容器。

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