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从 Excel 中提取两列并将键值对附加到字典中

[英]Pull two columns from Excel and append key value pairs to dictionary

My apologies if similar questions have been asked -- I dug through quite a few, but they did not match my specific issue.如果有人问过类似的问题,我深表歉意——我挖掘了很多,但它们与我的具体问题不符。

Basically, I have an Excel spreadsheet with 2 columns;基本上,我有一个包含 2 列的 Excel 电子表格; Name and Email.姓名和电子邮件。 I'm using pandas to grab the two columns from the file.我正在使用pandas从文件中获取两列。 I want to grab the values from the columns in order, and append them to a dictionary so that I can easily reference name and email pairs later on.我想按顺序从列中获取值,并将它们附加到字典中,以便以后可以轻松引用姓名和电子邮件对。

I currently have two functions in two files.我目前在两个文件中有两个函数。 One is my main file/function, and the other is a file named readExcel with a function named read :一个是我的main文件/函数,另一个是名为readExcel的文件,其函数名为read

# readExcel.py
import pandas as pd

def read(fileName: str, sheetName: str):
    f = pd.read_excel(fileName, sheet_name = sheetName)
    return f

# __main__.py
import readExcel as re

from pathlib import Path

def main():
    contacts = {}

    p = Path(__file__).with_name('contacts.xlsx')
    f = re.read(p, "Sheet1")

    for n in f["Name"]:
        for e in f["Email"]:
            contacts[n] = e


The issue I'm facing here is that the resulting dictionary is un-ordered, eg, Bob Testerson: jim.tester@gmailcom, Jim Tester: bob.testerson@gmail.com我在这里面临的问题是生成的字典是无序的,例如Bob Testerson: jim.tester@gmailcom, Jim Tester: bob.testerson@gmail.com

How would I go about properly ordering the data I'm pulling from the spreadsheet?我将如何正确排序我从电子表格中提取的数据?

EDIT: Per request, I'll add more information regarding the Excel file and preferred order.编辑:根据请求,我将添加有关 Excel 文件和首选顺序的更多信息。

The Excel file looks like this: Excel image preview Excel 文件如下所示: Excel 图像预览

As for the ordering of the data, it seems it would be best done before adding it to the dictionary, but that's not a requirement for me.至于数据的排序,似乎最好在将其添加到字典之前完成,但这对我来说不是必需的。 Also, I don't specifically care about the order in which the key / value pairs appear in the dictionary, but rather that the key /values pairs appear as they do in the Excel file, eg,此外,我并不特别关心键/值对出现在字典中的顺序,而是键/值对出现在 Excel 文件中,例如,

    "Jon Testerson": "jon.test@gmail.com", 
    "Henry": "henrytest@gmail.com", 
    "Bryce Testington": "brycetestington@gmail.com", 
    "Greg": "greg_test@yahoo.com", 
    "Jerry Testerfield", "jerrytester@hotmail.com"

Try this using the pandas to dict method.试试这个使用 pandas to dict 方法。 Just change the column names if you need to.如果需要,只需更改列名称。

import pandas as pd

def read_excel(path_to_file):

    df = pd.read_excel(path_to_file)

    return df

def dataframe_to_dict(df, key_column, value_column):

    name_email_dict = df.set_index(key_column)[value_column].to_dict()

    return name_email_dict

if __name__ == "__main__":

    path_to_file = 'C:\projects\scratchwork\excel_dict.xlsx'

    df = read_excel(path_to_file)

    name_email_dict = dataframe_to_dict(df,'Name','Email')


I'm sure there's an easier way to do it but I would put the data into a data frame and then use the sort_values method to sort them.我确信有一种更简单的方法可以做到,但我会将数据放入数据框中,然后使用 sort_values 方法对它们进行排序。 This would look something like:这看起来像:

# readExcel.py
import pandas as pd

def read(fileName: str, sheetName: str):
  f = pd.read_excel(fileName, sheet_name = sheetName)
  return f

# __main__.py
import readExcel as re

from pathlib import Path

def main():
  df = pd.DataFrame()
  contacts = {}

 p = Path(__file__).with_name('contacts.xlsx')
 f = re.read(p, "Sheet1")
 df = df.append(f,ignore_index=True)


Again may not be the best way to do it but it should work if there is extra information on Sheet 1 then prior to the print I would do:同样可能不是最好的方法,但如果第 1 页上有额外的信息,那么它应该可以工作,然后在打印之前我会这样做:

df = df[['Name','Email']]

Which would then only select name and email然后只选择姓名和电子邮件

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