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[英]Accessibility - Tabbing doesn't match the screen reader

I'm trying to test the accessibility of a web page. 我正在尝试测试网页的可访问性。

I'm using Apple Voice Over as screen reader on my MacBook and if I use voice over key short cuts, everything's working fine. 我将Apple Voice Over用作MacBook上的屏幕阅读器,如果我在主要快捷方式上使用Voice,则一切正常。 I can use voice over shortcuts (Ctrl + option + arrow-keys) to go through all elements of the page. 我可以使用语音快捷键(Ctrl + Option +箭头键)浏览页面的所有元素。

But if I turn the voice over off and try to navigate the web page using just the tab key, it doesn't work properly. 但是,如果我关闭声音并尝试仅使用Tab键浏览网页,它将无法正常工作。 Tabbing just considers elements such as header, links and buttons but it ignores normal text. 制表仅考虑诸如标题,链接和按钮之类的元素,但忽略普通文本。

Is this normal? 这正常吗? Is this acceptable? 这可以接受吗?

It is totally normal, and it is actually the expected behaviour. 这完全正常,实际上是预期的行为。

It is also acceptable because focus is meant to let user interact with some elements in the DOM. 这也是可以接受的,因为焦点旨在让用户与DOM中的某些元素进行交互。 Only interactive elements are meant to be focused, the rest will just be ignored from the focus cycle. 只有交互式元素才可以被关注,其余的元素在关注周期中将被忽略。

The screen reader allows focusing pretty much any content on a page, as long as it is not set to be ignored by the screen reader (using aria-hidden="true" for example), and its behaviour can't really be compared to the tab` cycle. 屏幕阅读器允许将几乎所有内容集中在页面上,只要它不会被屏幕阅读器设置为忽略( aria-hidden="true" for example), and its behaviour can't really be compared to the使用aria-hidden="true" for example), and its behaviour can't really be compared to the tab`周期。

Using tab on a web page simply allows cycling through elements considered being interactive (ie focusable). 使用网页上的tab仅允许循环浏览被认为是交互式(即可聚焦)的元素。

Text elements such as span, paragraphs, and even headers are not considered as focusable unless they are explicitly configured to be so. 文本元素(例如span,段落和甚至标头)不被认为是可聚焦的,除非将它们明确配置为可聚焦。 For example, specifying the tabindex attribute is one straightforward way to make an element focusable. 例如,指定tabindex属性是使元素可聚焦的一种直接方法。

HTML 5.1 - User Interaction - Focus describes the focus mechanism in-depth and is worth reading. HTML 5.1-用户交互-焦点深入介绍了focus机制,值得一读。

Note that aria-hidden and tabindex can be used to make elements being focusable using keyboard but not being processed by a screen reader, or the opposite. 请注意, aria-hiddentabindex可用于使元素可以使用键盘进行聚焦,但不能通过屏幕阅读器进行处理,反之亦然。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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