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[英]How to pass in HTML to a Razor Partial View?

I want to pass in HTML to my partial view, like so: 我想将HTML传递给我的局部视图,如下所示:

@Html.Partial("_MyForm", "<button id='foo'>Process Data</button>")

This currently works, but passing in strings is inelegant. 这目前有效,但传递字符串是不优雅的。 Previously, IHTMLString allowed you to do this instead (see link ): 以前,IHTMLString允许您这样做(参见链接 ):

public class HTMLViewModel
    public Func<object, IHtmlString> Content { get; set; }

@Html.Partial("_MyForm", new HTMLViewModel()
    Content =  
       <h1>Hello World</h1>

IHTMLString no longer exists in .NET Core, can the approach still be replicated with some other feature? .NET Core中不再存在IHTMLString,是否仍可以使用其他功能复制该方法?

You can use IHtmlContent to maintain your current approach: 您可以使用IHtmlContent来维护当前的方法:

public Func<object, IHtmlContent> Content { get; set; }

And then in the partial: 然后在部分:

@model HTMLViewModel

Depending on which version of .NET Core you're using you could also take advantage of some of the inline function markup changes discussed here: https://github.com/aspnet/AspNetCore-Tooling/pull/334 根据您使用的.NET Core版本,您还可以利用此处讨论的一些内联函数标记更改: https//github.com/aspnet/AspNetCore-Tooling/pull/334

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