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创建一个继承@Body()或@Param()装饰器的自定义NestJs Decorator?

[英]Create a custom NestJs Decorator inheriting @Body() or @Param() decorator?

I'm usin NestJs, and in many of my controllers I'm using : 我在NestJs中使用,在我使用的许多控制器中:

public create(
    @Param('id', new ParseIntPipe()) id: number, 
    @Body(new ValidationPipe({transform: true})) myData: MyClass) {
        // ... 

I would like to clean my code by creating a custom decorator, for instance: 我想通过创建自定义装饰器来清理我的代码,例如:

@Bind() => @Body(new ValidationPipe({transform: true}))

or 要么

@Id() => @Param('id', new ParseIntPipe())

then the code would be much more cleaner than before: 然后代码会比以前更清晰:

public create(@Id() id: number, @Bind() myData: MyClass) {
    // ... 

What is the correct way to inherit those decorators like this? 继承像这样的装饰器的正确方法是什么?

Thanks 谢谢

Since decorators are just plain functions you can simply create a function that returns the called decorator: 由于装饰器只是普通函数,因此您只需创建一个返回被调用装饰器的函数:

decorators.ts decorators.ts

import { Body, Param, ParseIntPipe, ValidationPipe } from '@nestjs/common';

export const Bind = () => Body(
  new ValidationPipe({transform: true}),

export const Id = () => Param('id', new ParseIntPipe());

And then use them as decorators: 然后将它们用作装饰器:

import { Id, Bind } from './decorators';

// ... 

public create(@Id() id: number, @Bind() myData: MyClass) {
    // ... 

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