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SQL Query的性能问题

[英]Performance issue with SQL Query

I am pulling data from two tables-Forecast and Orders to compute sales forecast accuracy. 我从两个表中提取数据 - 预测和订单来计算销售预测准确性。

Steps I am taking: 我正在采取的步骤:

  1. Identifying all exhaustive combinations of product-region-demand month b/w both data sets...let's call this (1) 识别产品 - 区域 - 需求月份的所有详尽组合,然后两个数据集......让我们称之为(1)

  2. Identifying different forecast snapshots in forecast data... let's call this (2) 识别预测数据中的不同预测快照...让我们称之为(2)

  3. Performing a cross-join of (1) and (2)...let's call this (3) 执行(1)和(2)的交叉连接......让我们称之为(3)

  4. Performing the "SUMIF()" equivalent on the lines from (3) for both orders and forecast. 对于订单和预测,在(3)的行上执行“SUMIF()”等价物。 For example, if I am comparing forecast to actual orders for February, 例如,如果我将预测与2月份的实际订单进行比较,

Jan "INDPOR" Forecast---> For some Product/Region-Feb Delivery Combination: February Forecast (generated in January) vs. Orders booked after Jan 1st with a delivery schedule in Feb Jan“INDPOR”预测--->部分产品/地区 - 2月交付组合:2月预测(1月生成)与1月1日之后预订的订单以及2月交付时间表

Feb "INDPOR" Forecast---> For the same Product/Region-Feb Delivery Date Combination: February Forecast (generated in February) vs. Orders booked after Jan 27th* with a delivery schedule in Feb 2月“INDPOR”预测--->对于同一产品/地区 - 2月交货日期组合:2月预测(2月生成)与1月27日之后订购的订单* 2月交货时间表

Note 1: Generating multiple forecasts for the same month 注1:为同一月生成多个预测

Note 2: Fiscal calendar definitions used; 注2:使用的财政日历定义; that is why Feb starts on Jan 27th 这就是为什么2月27日开始的原因

Output is generating correctly. 输出正确生成。 But, it is painfully slow (1 hour +). 但是,它很慢(1小时+)。 Please help me fine-tune this and make it faster as I will need to use this for larger data sets too. 请帮助我对其进行微调并使其更快,因为我还需要将它用于更大的数据集。

Other Details: 其他详情:

  1. I am running this on SQL Server 2014 locally from my desktop.Uploading this using the SQL data import wizard into SQL from an Excel file currently 我在我的桌面本地在SQL Server 2014上运行它。使用SQL数据导入向导将其从当前的Excel文件中导入SQL
  2. Input Forecast data: ForecastAggTable 输入预测数据:ForecastAggTable
  3. Input Orders data: OrderAggTable 输入订单数据:OrderAggTable

Input and Output Files 输入和输出文件

Code: 码:

Select * 

            Select *,

            (Select isnull(sum([Forecast Qty]),0) from ForecastAggTable t2 where t2.LOB=D.LOB and
                    t2.[Demand Month]=D.[Demand Month] and t2.Class=D.Class 
                    and t2.[Item Type]=D.[Item Type] and t2.[LoB Region]=D.[LoB Region] and
                    t2.[Key Account]=D.[Key Account] and t2.Country=D.Country 
                    and t2.[Master Customer]=D.[Master Customer] and t2.[INDPOR Version]=D.[INDPOR Version])[Forecast Qty],

                    Select isnull(sum([Order Qty]),0) from OrderAggTable t1 where t1.LOB=D.LOB and
                    t1.[SAD Month]=D.[Demand Month] and t1.Class=D.Class 
                    and t1.[Item Type]=D.[Item Type] and t1.[LoB Region]=D.[LoB Region] and
                    t1.[Key Account]=D.[Key Account] and t1.Country=D.Country 
                    and t1.[Master Customer]=D.[Master Customer] and t1.[Book Date]>=D.[INDPOR Timestamp]

                    Select isnull(sum([Order Revenue]),0) from OrderAggTable t1 where t1.LOB=D.LOB and
                    t1.[SAD Month]=D.[Demand Month] and t1.Class=D.Class 
                    and t1.[Item Type]=D.[Item Type] and t1.[LoB Region]=D.[LoB Region] and
                    t1.[Key Account]=D.[Key Account] and t1.Country=D.Country 
                    and t1.[Master Customer]=D.[Master Customer] and t1.[Book Date]>=D.[INDPOR Timestamp]

                    Select isnull(sum([Order Qty]),0) from OrderAggTable t1 where t1.LOB=D.LOB and
                    t1.[RDD Month]=D.[Demand Month] and t1.Class=D.Class 
                    and t1.[Item Type]=D.[Item Type] and t1.[LoB Region]=D.[LoB Region] and
                    t1.[Key Account]=D.[Key Account] and t1.Country=D.Country 
                    and t1.[Master Customer]=D.[Master Customer] and t1.[Book Date]>=D.[INDPOR Timestamp]

                    Select isnull(sum([Order Revenue]),0) from OrderAggTable t1 where t1.LOB=D.LOB and
                    t1.[RDD Month]=D.[Demand Month] and t1.Class=D.Class 
                    and t1.[Item Type]=D.[Item Type] and t1.[LoB Region]=D.[LoB Region] and
                    t1.[Key Account]=D.[Key Account] and t1.Country=D.Country 
                    and t1.[Master Customer]=D.[Master Customer] and t1.[Book Date]>=D.[INDPOR Timestamp]

            Select distinct LOB,[INDPOR Version],[INDPOR Timestamp],[Demand Month],
            [Demand Quarter],[Min Date],Class,[Item Type],[Offer PF],
            [LoB Region],[Key Account],Country,[Master Customer]



                            Select V.LOB,V.[SAD Month][Demand Month],V.[SAD Quarter][Demand Quarter],V.[SAD Min Date][Min Date],V.Class,
                            [Item Type],[Offer PF],[LoB Region],[Key Account],Country,[Master Customer]
                            from OrderAggTable V


                            Select Z.LOB,Z.[RDD Month][Demand Month],Z.[RDD Quarter][Demand Quarter],Z.[RDD Min Date][Min Date],Z.Class,
                            [Item Type],[Offer PF],[LoB Region],[Key Account],Country,[Master Customer]
                            from OrderAggTable Z


                            Select LOB,[Demand Month],[Demand Quarter],[Min Date],Class[Class],[Item Type],[Offer PF],[LoB Region],
                            [Key Account],Country,[Master Customer] from ForecastAggTable

            cross join

            select distinct [INDPOR Version],[INDPOR Timestamp] 
            from ForecastAggTable
            where [Min Date]>=[INDPOR Timestamp]
            where ([SAD-OrderQty] +  [RDD-OrderQty] + [Forecast Qty]<>0)

How about simplifying, and doing less passes of your tables. 如何简化和减少表的传递。

In this example I do two scans of the forecast table, one for the distinct, and one for the union, and one scan of the orders table. 在这个例子中,我对预测表进行了两次扫描,一次针对distinct,一次针对union,一次扫描orders表。

with cte as
 select distinct [INDPOR Version],[INDPOR Timestamp] 
            from ForecastAggTable
,cte2 as
    ,iif(DUP=0,V.[SAD Month]    ,V.[RDD Month]      )   [Demand Month]
    ,iif(DUP=0,V.[SAD Quarter]  ,V.[RDD Quarter]    )   [Demand Quarter]
    ,iif(DUP=0,V.[SAD Min Date] ,V.[RDD Min Date]   )   [Min Date]
    ,V.[Book Date]
    ,V.[Item Type]
    ,V.[Offer PF]
    ,V.[LoB Region]
    ,V.[Key Account]
    ,V.[Master Customer]
    ,null [INDPOR Version]
    ,null [Forecast Qty]
    ,iif(DUP=0,v.[Order Qty]    ,null   )       [SAD-OrderQty]
    ,iif(DUP=0,V.[Order Revenue]    ,null   )   [SAD-OrderRevenue]
    ,iif(DUP=1,V.[Order Qty]    ,null   )       [RDD-OrderQty]
    ,iif(DUP=1,V.[Order Revenue]    ,null   )   [RDD-OrderRevenue]
from OrderAggTable V
cross join (select dup from (values (0),(1))a(dup)) a
union all
    ,[Demand Month]
    ,[Demand Quarter]
    ,[Min Date]
    ,[Min Date]
    ,[Item Type]
    ,[Offer PF]
    ,[LoB Region]
    ,[Key Account]
    ,[Master Customer] 
    ,[INDPOR Version]
    ,[Forecast Qty] 
    from ForecastAggTable
    ,cte.[INDPOR Version]
    ,cte.[INDPOR Timestamp]
    ,cte2.[Demand Month]
    ,cte2.[Demand Quarter]
    ,cte2.[Min Date]
    ,cte2.[Item Type]
    ,cte2.[Offer PF]
    ,cte2.[LoB Region]
    ,cte2.[Key Account]
    ,cte2.[Master Customer]
    ,isnull(sum(cte2.[Forecast Qty]    ),0) [Forecast Qty]     
    ,isnull(sum(cte2.[SAD-OrderQty]    ),0) [SAD-OrderQty]
    ,isnull(sum(cte2.[SAD-OrderRevenue])    ,0) [SAD-OrderRevenue]
    ,isnull(sum(cte2.[RDD-OrderQty]    ),0) [RDD-OrderQty]     
    ,isnull(sum(cte2.[RDD-OrderRevenue])    ,0) [RDD-OrderRevenue]
from cte2
inner join cte
on cte2.[Book Date]>=cte.[INDPOR Timestamp]
where isnull(cte2.[INDPOR Version],cte.[INDPOR Version])=cte.[INDPOR Version]
group by    
    ,cte2.[Demand Month]
    ,cte2.[Demand Quarter]
    ,cte2.[Min Date]
    ,cte2.[Item Type]
    ,cte2.[Offer PF]
    ,cte2.[LoB Region]
    ,cte2.[Key Account]
    ,cte2.[Master Customer]
    ,cte.[INDPOR Version]
    ,cte.[INDPOR Timestamp]
    isnull(sum(cte2.[Forecast Qty]     ),0) + 
    isnull(sum(cte2.[SAD-OrderQty]     ),0) +
    isnull(sum(cte2.[RDD-OrderQty]     ),0) 

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