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[英]Hyperstack doesn't find landing page resource

Hypertext /install guide shows you how to add Hypertext to an existing Rails app. 超文本/安装指南显示了如何将超文本添加到现有的Rails应用程序。 I've got to the point where I should be able to launch the legacy app as before, but the routes to image resources can't be resolved. 我已经到了可以像以前那样启动旧版应用程序的地步,但是无法解析图像资源的路由。 I think I'm just not getting the routes set correctly, on the other hand I haven't changed anything from what the Guide says. 我想我只是没有正确设置路线,另一方面,我从指南中所讲的内容都没有改变。 This is a first pass at Hyperstack and it feels like something pretty obvious, but it isn't yielding to the simple tests I've tried so far. 这是Hyperstack的第一步,它看起来很明显,但是并没有屈服于我到目前为止尝试过的简单测试。


    Rails.application.routes.draw do

    mount Hyperstack::Engine => '/hyperstack'  # this route should be first in the routes file so it always matches

/hyperstack/hyper_component.rb /hyperstack/hyper_component.rb

# app/hyperstack/hyper_component.rb
class HyperComponent
  # All component classes must include Hyperstack::Component
  include Hyperstack::Component
  # The Observable module adds state handling
  include Hyperstack::State::Observable
  # The following turns on the new style param accessor
  # i.e. param :foo is accessed by the foo method
  param_accessor_style :accessors

/components/shipment.rb /components/shipment.rb

class Shipment < HyperComponent

  # param :my_param
  # param param_with_default: "default value"
  # param :param_with_default2, default: "default value" # alternative syntax
  # param :param_with_type, type: Hash
  # param :array_of_hashes, type: [Hash]
  # other :attributes  # collects all other params into a hash
  # fires :callback  # creates a callback param

  # access params using the param name
  # fire a callback using the callback name followed by a !

  # state is kept and read as normal instance variables
  # but when changing state prefix the statement with `mutate`
  # i.e. mutate @my_state = 12
  #      mutate @my_other_state[:bar] = 17

  # the following are the most common lifecycle call backs,
  # delete any that you are not using.
  # call backs may also reference an instance method i.e. before_mount :my_method

  before_mount do
    # any initialization particularly of state variables goes here.
    # this will execute on server (prerendering) and client.

  after_mount do
    # any client only post rendering initialization goes here.
    # i.e. start timers, HTTP requests, and low level jquery operations etc.

  before_update do
    # called whenever a component will be re-rerendered

  before_unmount do
    # cleanup any thing before component is destroyed
    # note timers are broadcast receivers are cleaned up
    # automatically

  render do
    DIV do

Command line from start 从命令行开始

$ bundle exec foreman start
ActionView::Template::Error (couldn't find file 'client_and_server-e8a2a4c02f7542e3e05c' with type 'application/javascript'

and later on in the command line, 然后在命令行中

16:45:00 web.1        |   /Users/john/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.2/gems/bootstrap-4.3.1/assets/javascripts):
16:45:00 web.1        |     10: 
16:45:00 web.1        |     11:  
16:45:00 web.1        |     12:   // search path default is public/images
16:45:00 web.1        |     13:   = image_tag "Drayage-LongBeach.jpg", :size => "520x360" 
16:45:00 web.1        |     14:   %p
16:45:00 web.1        |     15:   %p
16:45:00 web.1        |     16: 

based on the fact that it can't find your packed manifest file (which was I assume working before) I suspect that you are on webpacker < 4.0. 基于它找不到您的打包清单文件的事实(我假设以前曾在此工作),我怀疑您使用的是webpacker <4.0。

Webpacker now stores bundles in /javascripts/js rather than just /javscripts/ and hyperstack installer assumes that. Webpacker现在将捆绑软件存储在/javascripts/js而不仅仅是/javscripts/ ,而超级堆栈安装程序会假定这样做。

Keep Current Version of Webpack 保持Webpack的当前版本

Go into config/initializers/assets.rb and you will see towards the end a line like this 进入config/initializers/assets.rb ,您将在最后看到这样的一行

Rails.application.config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join('public', 'packs', 'js').to_s

just remove , 'js' and it will work with old webpacker. 只需删除, 'js' ,它将与旧的webpacker一起使用。

There is also a similar line in config/environments/test.rb that needs to be modified as well for hyper-spec to work. config/environments/test.rb中也有类似的行,也需要对其进行修改以使超规格正常工作。

Upgrade Webpack (Recommended - your going to have to do it sooner or later) 升级Webpack(推荐-您迟早要这样做)

Or you can upgrade webpacker to ~> 4.0. 或者,您可以将webpacker升级到〜> 4.0。

You will need answer "Y" to both conflicts, then you must also delete .babelrc file if it exists, and finally run bin/webpack 您需要为两个冲突都回答“ Y”,然后还必须删除.babelrc文件(如果存在),最后运行bin/webpack

  1. Update your Gemfile 更新您的Gemfile
  2. bundle install
  3. bundle exec rails webpacker:install answer Y to both conflicts bundle exec rails webpacker:install 对两个冲突都 bundle exec rails webpacker:install 答案Y
  4. Delete .babelrc if it exists 删除.babelrc如果存在)
  5. Run bin/webpack 运行bin/webpack

This should successfully upgrade webpacker to 4.x, and all should now be well. 这应该可以将webpacker成功升级到4.x,并且现在一切都应该很好。

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