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html2canvas 产生模糊的图像

[英]html2canvas producing blurry image

I'm using html2canvas and jspdf to create pdfs from a html page.我正在使用 html2canvas 和 jspdf 从 html 页面创建 pdf。 But they produce a blurry image.但它们会产生模糊的图像。

I already tried increasing scale and dpi, this didn't change much.我已经尝试增加比例和 dpi,这并没有太大变化。

Here is the code for converting the html to a picture:这是将html转换为图片的代码:

   html2canvas(document.body, {
        // Scale image for better quality
        scale: 5,
        dpi: 300,
        onrendered: function (canvas) {
            // Convert image to dataURL
            const image = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
            // Save dataURL in session storage
            try {
                window.sessionStorage.setObject(new Date().getTime(), image);
                document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = "Aktuelle Kennzahl erfolgreich hinzugefügt!"
            } catch (error) {
                document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = "Fehler beim Hinzufügen der Kennzahl!"

And for creating the pdf:并用于创建 pdf:

    let doc = new jsPDF('p', 'mm', 'a4');

    // Set image width to a4
    const width = doc.internal.pageSize.getWidth();
    const height = doc.internal.pageSize.getHeight();

    doc.addImage(image, 'PNG', 0, 0, width, height * 0.65, '', 'SLOW');

I use 1.0.0-alpha.12 version.我使用 1.0.0-alpha.12 版本。 I use html2canvas download image, but this picture has a white transparent mask.我使用 html2canvas 下载图片,但是这张图片有一个白色的透明蒙版。 Finally, I found if I set {backgroundColor: null} or other color, this problem disappear and picture is clear.最后发现如果我设置了{backgroundColor: null}或者其他颜色,这个问题就消失了,图片清晰。

html2canvas(element, {
    backgroundColor: '#1b2b4e'
    }).then(canvas => {


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