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[英]How can jelastic mount /?

When I create python buy dashboard and go to CLI in jeastic and run lsblk I can see that the / is mount. 当我创建python购买仪表盘并进入jastic的CLI并运行lsblk时,我可以看到/已挂载。 is python container or CentOS? 是python容器还是CentOS? If it is container how can they mount /?because in kubernetes we can not mount /? 如果是容器,它们如何安装/?因为在kubernetes中我们不能安装/? If it is CentOS why I do not have full permission?! 如果是CentOS,为什么我没有完全许可?!

Jelastic is full on containers, no VMs are used there for now. Jelastic的容器已满,目前尚未在其中使用任何VM。 In container it is possible to mount / if you have enough privileges for that, that works for both Kubernetes and Jelastic. 在容器中可以挂载/如果您有足够的特权,则对Kubernetes和Jelastic都适用。 Python image is also working inside container, by default you are connecting to SSH over jelastic user that has limited permissions that is why you cannot mount /. Python映像也在容器内运行,默认情况下,您是通过权限受限的jelastic用户连接到SSH的,这就是为什么您无法挂载/的原因。 If you contact your hosting service provider I believe they will be able to provide you root access. 如果您与托管服务提供商联系,我相信他们将能够为您提供root访问权限。

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