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[英]Vue.js async/await with then function not executing

I'm attempting to use async/await with axios.then() within a for of loop. 我试图在for循环中将async / await与axios.then()一起使用。 The function fails to run or even attempt the axios call. 该函数无法运行,甚至无法尝试axios调用。 I have a feeling using the then() function is part of the problem. 我感觉使用then()函数是问题的一部分。

I need the for loop to wait until the then() function has run before continuing on to the next array item. 我需要for循环来等待then()函数运行,然后再继续执行下一个数组项。 Any ideas how I can alter my code to get the axios.then() functions to run asynchronously? 有什么想法可以更改代码以使axios.then()函数异步运行吗?

accounts = [{a},{b},{c}, ...] // Example of accounts array

async function get_user_data (accounts) {
  // For of loop
  for (let [index, user] of accounts.entries()) {
    // Currently using await before axios call
    await axios.get(url, headers)
      .then(function(data) {
      .catch(function(error) {


Issue was ultimately being caused by the Vue frontend compiling my application. 问题最终是由Vue前端编译我的应用程序引起的。 Resolved by following the stack overflow solution posted here . 通过遵循此处发布的堆栈溢出解决方案来解决。 Note, that the code now functions as expected. 请注意,该代码现在可以按预期运行。 The solution offered by Dacre Denny helped me decide the issue must be located somewhere else as his should have worked but did not until the problem with Vue was solved. 达克雷·丹尼(Dacre Denny)提供的解决方案帮助我确定问题必须位于他应该工作的其他地方,但直到Vue问题解决后才解决。 Takeaways: 小贴士:

  1. Use simple tests to confirm issue not with code 使用简单的测试来确认问题,而不是代码
  2. Check webpack, babel, and other compiler configs if above doesn't work 如果上述方法不起作用,请检查webpack,babel和其他编译器配置

In general, it is considered an anti-pattern to mix the promise interface (ie .then() ) with await/async semantics. 通常,将promise接口(即.then() )与await/async语义混合使用是一种反模式。

Seeing that the get_user_data function is defined async , consider a revised implementation based on a try/catch block for clearer program flow and greater predictability in the asynchronous behaviour of your loop: 看到get_user_data函数是async定义的,请考虑基于try/catch块的修订实现,以使程序流更清晰,并在循环的异步行为中具有更大的可预测性:

async function get_user_data (accounts) {
  for (let [index, user] of accounts.entries()) {

    /* try/catch block allows async errors/exceptions to be caught
    without then need for a .catch() handler */
    try {    

        /* Using await, the response data can be obtained in this 
        way without the need for a .then() handler */
        const data = await axios.get(url, headers)
    catch(error) {

        /* If an error occurs in the async axios request an exception
        is thrown and can be caught/handled here */

Thanks to Dacre Denny for the quick help. 感谢Dacre Denny的快速帮助。 His test code helped me determine the problem was not with the code. 他的测试代码帮助我确定问题出在代码之外。

The Issue was ultimately being caused by the Vue frontend compiling my application which does not at this date support async/await out of the box. 该问题最终是由于Vue前端编译了我的应用程序引起的,该应用程序目前不支持开箱即用的异步/等待功能。 Resolved by following the stack overflow solution posted here . 通过遵循此处发布的堆栈溢出解决方案来解决。 Note, that the code now functions as expected. 请注意,该代码现在可以按预期运行。 Takeways: Takeways:

  1. Use simple tests to confirm issue not with code 使用简单的测试来确认问题,而不是代码
  2. Check webpack, babel, or other compiler configs if above doesn't work 如果上述方法不起作用,请检查webpack,babel或其他编译器配置
  3. A lack of errors when function fails to run may indicate a compilation error. 如果函数无法运行,则缺少错误可能表示编译错误。 Check configs. 检查配置。
  async get_user_data(accounts) {
        // For of loop
        (async() => {
            for (let [index, user] of accounts.entries()) {
                // Currently using await before axios call
                await axios.get(url, headers)
                    .then(function(data) {
                    .catch(function(error) {

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