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SwiftUI 如何给 Slider 一个最小值和最大值并在文本中显示其值?

[英]SwiftUI how do I give a Slider a minimum and maximum value and display its value in a Text?

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView : View {
    var body: some View {
        PasswordGeneratorSettings(settingsConfiguration: PasswordGeneratorSettings.Settings.init(passwordLength: 20))

struct PasswordGeneratorSettings : View {
    @State var settingsConfiguration: Settings
    struct Settings {
        var passwordLength = UInt()
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List {
                Slider(value: $settingsConfiguration.passwordLength) { pressed in
                    Text("Password Length: \(settingsConfiguration.passwordLength)")

So I'm making a password generator and I want to start off with a slider with a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 512 with a label displaying it's value (As an integer) but this is all I got to just try having an updating label on the left of the tableview (List) with the slider on the right but this doesn't even compile.所以我正在制作一个密码生成器,我想从 slider 开始,最小长度为 1,最大长度为 512,label 显示它的值(作为整数),但这就是我所要做的表格视图(列表)左侧的更新 label 与右侧的 slider 但这甚至无法编译。

Too Long Didn't Read: I'm trying to:太久没有阅读:我正在尝试:

  1. Figure out how to set a minimum and maximum value with a Slider弄清楚如何使用 Slider 设置最小值和最大值

  2. Have a label with the Slider's value (as an integer) on the left side of a tableview cell with the slider on the right side.在表格视图单元格的左侧有一个 label 和滑块的值(作为整数),在右侧有 slider。

And I want to do all of this without UIKit just SwiftUI (and Combine if needed).我想在没有 UIKit 的情况下完成所有这些,只需 SwiftUI (如果需要,还可以合并)。

This is how you use a slider:这是您使用滑块的方式:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView : View {
    @State var length: Float = 20

    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List {
                PasswordGeneratorSettings(length: $length)

struct PasswordGeneratorSettings : View {
    @Binding var length: Float

    var body: some View {

        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
            Slider(value: $length, in: 1...512, step: 1)

            Text("Password Length: \(Int(length))")


Your code doesn't compile because you need to use double in the slider value parameter.您的代码无法编译,因为您需要在滑块值参数中使用 double。 You can achieve your requirement using the below code.您可以使用以下代码实现您的要求。 Slider takes three parameter value, from and through. Slider 取三个参数值,from 和 through。 In simple language, from is minValue, through is maxValue and at any given time "value" will return current value in the slider.用简单的语言来说,from 是 minValue,through 是 maxValue,并且在任何给定时间“value”都将返回滑块中的当前值。

struct PasswordGeneratorSettings : View {
    @State var settingsConfiguration: Settings
    struct Settings {
        var passwordLength: Double = 1.0
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            List {
                HStack {
                    Text("Password Length: \(Int(settingsConfiguration.passwordLength))")
                    Slider(value: $settingsConfiguration.passwordLength, from: 1, through: 512)
struct BoundsSlider : View {
    let min: CGFloat
    let max: CGFloat
    @Binding var value: CGFloat
    @State var lastValue: CGFloat
    init (min: CGFloat, max: CGFloat, value: Binding<CGFloat>) {
        self.min = min
        self.max = max
        _value = value
        _lastValue = State(initialValue: value.wrappedValue)
    var body: some View {
        Slider(value: Binding.init(get: { () -> CGFloat in return value },
                                   set: { (newValue) in if true { value = newValue; lastValue = newValue } }), in: min...max)


BoundsSlider(min: 0.7, max: 5, value: $speed)

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