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使用python -m pytest与pytest时出现FileNotFoundError

[英]FileNotFoundError when using python -m pytest vs. pytest

I recently changed the IDE I am using to VSCode. 我最近将正在使用的IDE更改为VSCode。 For the most part I like it, but there is one particular problem that I can't seem to resolve. 在很大程度上,我喜欢它,但是有一个我似乎无法解决的特定问题。 I didn't realize it was a problem either, until I moved IDEs. 在移动IDE之前,我也没有意识到这是一个问题。

I have a directory structure like this: 我有这样的目录结构:

├── env
│   ├── bin
│   ├── include
│   ├── lib
│   ├── lib64 -> lib
│   ├── pyvenv.cfg
│   └── share
├── my_app
│   ├── expected_results
│   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── test_data
│   └── tests
├── pytest.ini
├── README.rst
├── setup.cfg
└── setup.py

When I launch my virtual environment I am sitting at the root of this directory structure. 启动虚拟环境时,我坐在此目录结构的根目录下。

I run my tests by issuing this command (or providing additional options). 我通过发出此命令(或提供其他选项)来运行测试。 This currently works: 目前适用:


But, when VSCode launches, it spits out an error saying it can't find an expected file: 但是,当VSCode启动时,它会吐出一个错误,指出找不到所需的文件:

E   FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'my_app/expected_results/expected_available_items.yml'

After some investigation, I figured out that this is because when VSCode launches it issues the following command: 经过调查,我发现这是因为VSCode启动时会发出以下命令:

python -m pytest

I am setting that path by doing this: 我正在通过以下方式设置该路径:

import pathlib
EXPECTED_RESULTS_BASE = pathlib.Path("my_app/expected_results")
expected_results = EXPECTED_RESULTS_BASE.joinpath('expected_available_items.yml')

What do I need to modify so that my tests will continue to operate when I just issue a pytest command AND will operate if I (or my IDE, apparently) issues python -m pytest ? 我需要修改什么,以便当我发出pytest命令时测试可以继续运行,并且在我(显然是我的IDE)发出python -m pytest

I hope it's safe to assume that VSCode is launching this from the root of my_app like I am? 我希望可以安全地假设VSCode像我一样从my_app的根目录启动此代码?

Probably not enough information to answer this for you straight out, but lets try some things: 可能没有足够的信息来直接为您解答,但请尝试一些操作:

  • In your test code, above the line where you are getting the error insert some lines like these and see if they print out what you're expecting 在测试代​​码中,在出现错误的行上方插入类似以下的行,并查看它们是否打印出您期望的内容
  • Since you're using a venv and the error is a result of calling pytest with a different command, try using which to see if you're actually calling different things. 由于您使用的是VENV和错误是调用pytest用不同的命令的结果,请尝试使用which ,看看是否你实际上调用不同的东西。 Both before and after activating your venv: 在激活您的venv之前和之后:
which pytest
which python

python -m pytest will call the pytest module installed with the version of python you've just called. python -m pytest将调用与您刚刚调用的python版本一起安装的pytest模块。 If python calls a different version than you're getting from pytest inside your venv, then that could be the problem. 如果python调用的版本与您从pytest内部的pytest获取的版本不同,则可能是问题所在。

You should be able to check which python version pytest is calling by looking at the hashbang at the top of the file 您应该能够通过查看文件顶部的hashbang来检查pytest正在调用哪个python版本

head -1 $(which pytest)

On my system, macOS with anaconda Python installed, I get the following from those commands 在我的系统上,安装了anaconda Python的macOS,我从这些命令中获得了以下内容

$ which pytest

$ which python

$ head -1 $(which pytest)

This tells me that pytest is calling the same version of python I get when I call python . 这告诉我pytest调用的是我调用python时得到的相同版本的python As such, pytest and python -m pytest should result in the same thing for me, inside my default environment. 因此,在我的默认环境中, pytestpython -m pytest应该对我产生相同的结果。

Are you sure VSCode is loading your venv correctly before running the test? 在运行测试之前,您确定VSCode是否正确加载了venv吗?

Assuming you have a virtual environment selected for your Python interpreter in VS Code: 假设您在VS Code中为Python解释器选择了一个虚拟环境:

  1. Open the terminal in VS Code 在VS Code中打开终端
  2. Let the virtual environment activate 让虚拟环境激活
  3. Run python -m pip install pytest 运行python -m pip install pytest

That will install pytest into the virtual environment which is why python -m fails (pytest globally on your PATH is installed in some global Python install which a virtual environment won't have access to). 这会将pytest安装到虚拟环境中,这就是python -m失败的原因(在虚拟环境无法访问的某些全局Python安装中,将PATH上的pytest全局安装)。

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