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[英]I want to know if Xamarin forms support watchOS application?

I made a simple push notification appication(Xamarin Forms) only for iOS. 我只为iOS制作了一个简单的推送通知应用程序(Xamarin Forms)。 I want to know if I download it on my iPhone am I going to get notifications for iWatch or I need some extensions? 我想知道如果我在iPhone上下载它,我会收到iWatch的通知,还是需要一些扩展?

As far as I know, the Apple Watch just mirrors notifications of the iPhone by default. 据我所知,Apple Watch默认只反映iPhone的通知。 You can change this in the settings of the watch or the phone. 您可以在手表或手机的设置中更改此设置。 But if you never touched these, the notifications your iOS App produces should be displayed on the Apple Watch if your phone is locked. 但是,如果您从未接触过这些内容,那么如果您的手机被锁定,那么您的iOS应用程序产生的通知应显示在Apple Watch上。

What I wonder though, why didn't you just try this out before asking? 我想知道的是,你为什么不在问之前先尝试一下?

iOS app made by Xamarin.forms is the same as made by native iOS when you install the app to your iPhone, they all use the native iOS SDK. 当您将应用程序安装到iPhone时, Xamarin.forms制作的iOS应用程序与native iOS制作的应用程序相同,它们都使用原生iOS SDK。

To get notifications from your apple watch: 要从Apple Watch获取通知:

Your Apple Watch notifications mirror your iPhone settings, but you can customize the settings for each app. Apple Watch通知会反映您的iPhone设置,但您可以自定义每个应用的设置。 In watchOS 5, notifications can be organized by app and grouped in stacks in Notification Center. 在watchOS 5中,可以按应用程序组织通知,并将其分组到通知中心的堆栈中。 For example, all your activity notifications can appear in a stack. 例如,您的所有活动通知都可以显示在堆栈中。 You can also choose whether or not you get alerts for notifications, so they appear silently or not at all. 您还可以选择是否收到通知警报,因此它们会静默显示或根本不显示。

Have a look at this article will help: Notifications on your Apple Watch 看看这篇文章将有助于: Apple Watch上的通知

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