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[英]Deployment scenario of git integrated Azure Data Factory via arm template

What happens if you have multiple features being tested in test environment of a ADF V2 test data factory and only one or few of them is ready for production deployment. 如果您有多个功能正在ADF V2测试数据工厂的测试环境中进行测试,而其中只有一个或几个准备好进行生产部署,将会发生什么。 How do we hande this type of deployment scenario in Microsoft recommended CICD model of git/vsts integrated adf v2 through arm template 我们如何通过arm模板处理Microsoft建议的git / vsts集成adf v2的CICD模型中的这种部署方案

Consider we have dev test and prod environment of ADF v2. 考虑我们有ADF v2的开发测试和产品环境。 The dev environment is git integrated. 开发环境是git集成的。 The developers have debuged their changes and merged with collaboration​ branch after pull request. 开发人员已调试其更改,并在请求请求后与协作分支合并。 The changes are published and deployed to test environment first. 更改将首先发布并部署到测试环境。 Here many features are getting tested but few are ready for prod and few are not, how do we move the ones which are ready since tge arm template takes the entire factory? 在这里,许多功能正在接受测试,但很少有产品可以投入使用,而很少有尚未投入​​使用,由于tge arm模板占据了整个工厂,我们如何移动已准备就绪的功能?

this is somewhat of a strange question. 这有点奇怪。 you can apply same logic to anything, how do you create a feature for an application since application is only deployed as a single entity. 您可以对任何事物应用相同的逻辑,因为应用程序仅作为单个实体部署,因此如何为应用程序创建功能。 answer would be: use git flow or something akin to that. 答案是:使用git flow或类似的东西。 Use feature branches and promotions. 使用功能分支和促销。

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