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在 for 循环中使用 do-while 循环是否正确? 为什么,为什么不呢?

[英]Is it correct to use a do-while loop inside a for loop? Why and why not?

//program to count words
int main()
    int i;
    int word = 0;
    char sent[] = "How are you doing mister";  //character pointer
    for (i = 0; sent[i] != '\0'; i++)

        } while (sent[i] == ' ');
    printf("There are %d words in the sentence\n", word + 1);  //words are always 1 more than the no. of spaces.
    return 0;                                                  //or word=1;

This is a code for counting the number of words.这是一个计算单词数量的代码。 Please tell me why cannot we use do-while loops inside a for loop.请告诉我为什么我们不能在 for 循环中使用 do-while 循环。 Or if we can, how to do it.或者如果可以的话,怎么做。

Nesting the various composite statements such as for and do / while is allowed in C at least up to 127 levels, as specified in Translation limits . Translation limits 中规定的,C 中允许嵌套各种复合语句,例如fordo / while至少最多 127 个级别。

The problem is not a syntax issue, but rather a conceptual one:问题不是语法问题,而是概念问题:

  • your do / while loop iterates on a constant condition as neither i , nor sent is modified in the body or in the condition of the loop, leading to an infinite loop if sent[i] is a space.您的do / while循环在恒定条件下迭代,因为isent均未在正文或循环条件中进行修改,如果sent[i]是空格,则会导致无限循环。

  • counting spaces is not a correct approach to counting words in a string: "" has 0 words, not 1 per your intended code, " " also but you would get 2 and "AB" only has 2 words, not 3 .计算空格不是计算字符串中单词的正确方法: ""0单词,不是每个你想要的代码1个, " "也是,但你会得到2"AB"只有2单词,而不是3

  • you should count the number of transitions from space to non space, starting with an implicit space before the beginning of the string.您应该计算从空格到非空格的转换次数,从字符串开头之前的隐式空格开始。

  • note also that char sent[] = "...";还要注意char sent[] = "..."; is not a character pointer, but a character array.不是字符指针,而是字符数组。

Here is a modified version:这是一个修改后的版本:

//program to count words
#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int i, words, last;
    char sent[] = "How are you doing mister?";

    words = 0;
    last = ' ';
    for (i = 0; sent[i] != '\0'; i++) {
        if (sent[i] != ' ' && last == ' ')
        last = sent[i];
    printf("There are %d words in the sentence '%s'\n", words, sent);
    return 0;

In my experience proof reading code, do / while loops tend to be written incorrectly, especially by beginners, missing test conditions or broken in some other way.根据我校对代码的经验, do / while循环往往会被错误地编写,尤其是初学者、缺少测试条件或以其他方式损坏。 I you think a do / while loop solves a given problem, think again, a for loop might be a safer approach.我认为do / while循环可以解决给定的问题,再想一想, for循环可能是一种更安全的方法。 The only place do / while loops are needed is in a macro expansion where you want to combine multiple statements into a single compound statement:唯一需要do / while循环的地方是在宏扩展中,您希望将多个语句组合成一个复合语句:

#define swap_ints(a, b)  do { a ^= b; b ^= a; a ^= b; } while (0)

Note however that the swapping method in this macro is inefficient and macros are very error prone and should be avoided even more than do / while loops :)但是请注意,此宏中的交换方法效率低下,并且宏非常容易出错,比do / while循环更应该避免:)

It is completely valid to nest a do-while loop within a for loop.for循环中嵌套do-while循环是完全有效的。 Syntactically, there is nothing wrong with your program.从语法上讲,您的程序没有任何问题。

However, as others have described, your nested loop will never terminate when sent[i] == ' ' .但是,正如其他人所描述的,当sent[i] == ' '时,您的嵌套循环永远不会终止。 Your program has bugs, but they have nothing to do with the validity of nesting loops.你的程序有错误,但它们与嵌套循环的有效性无关。

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