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我不明白为什么我的高度为 auto 的 div 占据了其父级的全高

[英]I don't understand why my div with height auto is taking the full height of its parent

I have a div.grid that contains multiple div.column inside using flexbox.我有一个包含多个一div.grid div.column内使用Flexbox的。 When a div.column increases in height due to having more content inside, all other div.column also increase in height.div.column由于里面有更多内容而增加高度时,所有其他div.column的高度也会增加。

It is to my understaind that this shouldn't help as their height is set to auto.据我所知,这应该无济于事,因为它们的高度设置为自动。

Also, my grid is using the flex display, with flex-wrap: wrap .此外,我的网格使用 flex 显示,带有flex-wrap: wrap I think is what is causing it, but I haven't found any explanation to why it is changing the children's height.我认为这是造成它的原因,但我还没有找到任何解释为什么它会改变孩子们的身高。

I have tried changing the following properties, in different combinations and manners, of parent and children: position, display, height.我曾尝试以不同的组合和方式更改父和子的以下属性:位置、显示、高度。

These are the computed styles only, not my actual code.这些只是计算样式,而不是我的实际代码。

 div.grid { display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; width: 960px; } div.column { display: block; flex-basis: 37.5%; flex-grow: 0; flex-shrink: 0; /* height is actually set to auto, but it is computed like this */ height: 132px; }
 <div class="grid"> <div class="column">something</div> <div class="column">something<br>else<br>here</div> <div class="column">something</div> </div>

I expected the children to not fill the full height of the parent when the children don't all have the same amount of content.当孩子们没有相同数量的内容时,我希望孩子们不会填满父母的全部高度。


As LGSon has asnwered in the comments:正如 LGSon 在评论中所回答的那样:

Using flex: display automatically defaults align-items to stretch making the height of the children stretch to fill the height of the wrapper.使用flex: display自动默认align-items stretch使子align-items的高度拉伸以填充包装器的高度。 It is also not shown in the computed properties, which is why it didn't cross my mind to check it.它也没有显示在计算属性中,这就是为什么我没有想到要检查它。

Therefore, the solution was to add align-items: flex-start to .grid .因此,解决方案是将align-items: flex-start.grid

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