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如何将本地构建部署到虚拟机中的docker swarm?

[英]can I deploy local build to docker swarm in virtual machine?

I am learning Docker and trying to follow the Docker tutorial and am in step 4 here . 我正在学习Docker并尝试遵循Docker教程,并且在此处的第4步。

Basically in this step, we are creating 2 VMs for docker swarm: 1 as swarm manager and 1 as swarm worker. 基本上,在此步骤中,我们将为docker swarm创建2个VM:1个为swarm管理器,1个为swarm worker。

I think it pulls docker-hub pushed image to the virtual machines to get the service working in swarm. 我认为它会将docker-hub推送的映像拉到虚拟机,以使服务在群中工作。 Problem is I am not pushing my built image to docker hub. 问题是我没有将构建的映像推送到docker hub。

My question is, can I use local build to deploy to the swarm VM? 我的问题是,我可以使用本地构建将其部署到群集VM吗?

I tried to change image line the example docker-compose.yml to build like so: 我试图改变image线的例子docker-compose.ymlbuild像这样:

version: "3"
    # replace username/repo:tag with your name and image details
    # image: friendlyhello
    build: .
      replicas: 5
          cpus: "0.1"
          memory: 50M
        condition: on-failure
      - "4000:80"
      - webnet

it of course does not work, which is why I am asking if there is a way to do this? 它当然不起作用,这就是为什么我问是否有办法做到这一点?

You can create a local registry on the vm or your local machine and push/pull images from local repo 您可以在vm或本地计算机上创建本地注册表,并从本地存储库推/拉映像

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2

Then name/tag your images using 然后使用命名/标记您的图像


Then push images using 然后使用

docker push localhost:5000/Image_Name:Tag

This will let you save your images in a local registry that your swarm can use without pushing to dockerhub 这将使您将图像保存在您的集群可以使用的本地注册表中,而无需推送到dockerhub

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