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[英]Redirect all URLs to secured URLs without www in Node.js

I am using the code below to redirect all my traffic to https version without www ie for one my application hosted on a subdomain. 我正在使用下面的代码将所有流量重定向到不带www的https版本,例如,我的应用程序托管在一个子域中。 It should work for the following cases: 它适用于以下情况:

All the above should redirect to https://subdomain.domain.com . 以上所有内容均应重定向到https://subdomain.domain.com

I am trying out this on my Node.js application. 我正在我的Node.js应用程序上尝试此操作。

app.use('*', function(req, res, next) {

    // https
    if (req.headers["x-forwarded-proto"] == "https") {

        // https with www
        if (req.headers.host.match(/^www/) !== null) {
            res.redirect(301, 'https://' + req.headers.host.replace(/^www\./, '') + req.url);

        // https without www
        else {

    // http
    else {

        // http with www
        if (req.headers.host.match(/^www/) !== null) {
            res.redirect(301, 'https://' + req.headers.host.replace(/^www\./, '') + req.url);

        // http without www
        else {
            res.redirect("https://subdomain.domain.com" + req.url);

I am not able to get the redirection working. 我无法使重定向工作。 For the fourth URL ie www.subdomain.domain.com, I have updated my DNS as well. 对于第四个URL,即www.subdomain.domain.com,我也更新了DNS。

Below Code Snippet Check if URL is not secure it redirects to https with replacing www from url. 在代码段下方,检查URL是否不安全,并通过从URL替换www来重定向到https。

app.use('*',function(req, res, next){
 if (!req.secure) {
   res.redirect('https://' + req.headers.host.replace(/\/\/www\./, '') + req.url);

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