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[英]Looping over a directory of large local excel files from a remote server, causes repeated access to same files

I am using a vendor supplied jupyter environment hosted over a remote server, the project files are stored locally. 我正在使用供应商提供的Jupyter环境,该环境托管在远程服务器上,项目文件存储在本地。

I have a bunch of excel files I read data from and use vendor api to get other fields. 我有一堆Excel文件,我从这些文件中读取数据并使用供应商api获取其他字段。

I am running into an issue where if I use os.listdir() to loop, I keep accessing the same files. 我遇到一个问题,如果我使用os.listdir()循环,那么我将继续访问相同的文件。 I feel that the vendor application takes a snapshot of my project directory periodically to sync and if in the meantime I am in midst of accessing data from a large excel file, the file iterator gets reset to the new snapshot and I end up reading the same files over and over. 我觉得供应商应用程序会定期获取我的项目目录的快照以进行同步,如果在此期间我正在从大型excel文件访问数据,文件迭代器将重置为新的快照,而我最终会读取相同的快照文件一遍又一遍。

for file in os.listdir(path):




        with pd.ExcelFile(full_file_name) as file_read:


            ## Code to read data from different tabs


Portfolio positions 3.xlsx
Portfolio positions 3.xlsx
<pandas.io.excel.ExcelFile object at 0x000001C8CB10BCF8>
Portfolio positions 3.xlsx
<pandas.io.excel.ExcelFile object at 0x000001C8CB10BCF8>
Portfolio positions 4.xlsx
Portfolio positions 3.xlsx
<pandas.io.excel.ExcelFile object at 0x000001C8CB10BCF8>
Portfolio positions 4.xlsx
<pandas.io.excel.ExcelFile object at 0x000001C8CAF12908>
Portfolio positions 3.xlsx
<pandas.io.excel.ExcelFile object at 0x000001C8CB10BCF8>
Portfolio positions 4.xlsx
<pandas.io.excel.ExcelFile object at 0x000001C8CAF12908>
Portfolio positions 5.xlsx
Portfolio positions 3.xlsx
<pandas.io.excel.ExcelFile object at 0x000001C8CB10BCF8>

I can't say why you're experiencing this problem, but an easy solution would be to read files into a list first and create a set to only iterate over unique file names. 我不能说为什么会遇到此问题,但是一个简单的解决方案是先将文件读入列表,然后创建一个仅迭代唯一文件名的集合。

files = set(os.listdir(path))
for filename in files:

in the meantime I am in midst of accessing data from a large excel file, the file iterator gets reset to the new snapshot and I end up reading the same files over and over. 在此期间,我正在从一个较大的excel文件访问数据,文件迭代器被重置为新快照,最终我一次又一次地读取相同的文件。

I don't think this is what's happening to you, my understanding of Python is that os.listdir() is getting called once. 我不认为这是发生在您身上的事情,我对Python的理解是os.listdir()被调用了一次。 That said, I can't explain the behavior you're seeing, and so I recommend guarding against it anyway. 就是说,我无法解释您所看到的行为,因此我建议无论如何都要提防这种行为。

Try assembling the files into a list and then processing them. 尝试将文件组装到列表中,然后进行处理。

full_file_names = []
for _file in os.listdir(path):
    full_file_names.append(os.path.join(path, _file))

for full_file in full_file_names:

Also, try not to use file as it masks a built-in. 另外,请尽量不要使用file因为它会掩盖内置file

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