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Microsoft Azure IoT中心和不带DeviceId的connectionString

[英]Microsoft Azure IoT Hub and connectionString without DeviceId

I've got a connectionString from a third party to Microsoft Azure IoT Hub which doesn't contain a DeviceId . 我有一个从第三方到Microsoft Azure IoT中心的connectionString,其中不包含DeviceId

I've tried to use this SDK, but it requires a DeviceId : https://www.npmjs.com/package/azure-iot-device-http 我尝试使用此SDK,但是它需要一个DeviceIdhttpsDeviceId

Can one use Azure IoT Hub without DeviceId ? 可以使用没有DeviceId Azure IoT中心吗?

Yes it should work as a IOT hub. 是的,它应该可以作为物联网中心。 Basically from the connection string which we get it from Azure portal doesn't include device id. 基本上,从我们从Azure门户获取的连接字符串中,不包括设备ID。

Sample for initializing a client and creation of device. 用于初始化客户端和创建设备的示例。

var iothub = require('azure-iothub');

var connectionString = '[IoT Connection String]';

var registry = iothub.Registry.fromConnectionString(connectionString);

// Create a new device
var device = {
deviceId: 'sample-device-' + Date.now()

registry.create(device, function(err, deviceInfo, res) {
    if (err) console.log(op + ' error: ' + err.toString());
    if (res) console.log(op + ' status: ' + res.statusCode + ' ' + res.statusMessage);
    if (deviceInfo) console.log(op + ' device info: ' + JSON.stringify(deviceInfo));

You can find more samples here. 您可以在此处找到更多示例。

https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-sdk-node/tree/master/service https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-sdk-node/tree/master/service

hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

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