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[英]How to insert value from jquery into knockout data-bind line?

The problem occurred while trying to insert new parameter into url property, which is inside select2. 尝试将新参数插入到select2内部的url属性中时发生了问题。

<span><input type="hidden" class="expanded" 
                                     {url: '(CONTROLLER_NAME)/(METHOD_NAME)?type=some_type&DocDate=PROBLEM!', 
                                     value: ID, 
                                     text: NAME, 
                                        minimumInputLength: 1, 
                                        ajax: {
                                            params: {
                                                headerErrorsContainer: '#editor .errors-placeholder' 
                                            cache: true}
                                     select2InterfacePropName: 'SomeSelect2'}
                                     style="width: 100%"></input></span>

So how to get value from jquery into (PROBLEM!) place? 那么如何从jquery中获取价值到(问题!)位置呢?

Maybe it's possible to some string interpolation? 也许可以进行一些字符串插值?

...&DocDate={jquery call?}

You could try using a computed by assigning it to url parameter: 您可以尝试通过将计算值分配给url参数来使用它:

url: myComputed,

self.myComputed = ko.pureComputed(() => {
    var type = 'sometype';
    var docDate = 'mydate';
    return `(CONTROLLER_NAME)/(METHOD_NAME)?type=${type}&DocDate=${docDate}`;  //string interpolation
}, self);

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