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默认情况下,Tomcat 网络服务器是异步登录的吗?

[英]Is logging in Tomcat webserver async by default?

Usually my logging is as follows:通常我的日志如下:

private final Logger LOGGER = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());

Question: if I deploy my app as a war to a tomcat webserver, is the logging sync or async by default?问题:如果我将我的应用程序作为war部署到tomcat网络服务器,默认情况下日志记录是同步还是异步?

I'm asking because the tomcats logging.properties file defines the AsyncFileHandler throughout, like .handlers = 1catalina.org.apache.juli.AsyncFileHandler .我问是因为 tomcats logging.properties文件定义了AsyncFileHandler ,比如.handlers = 1catalina.org.apache.juli.AsyncFileHandler

My question is, if all of my log statements are "passed" to that tomcat async file handler, and then logged async automatically?我的问题是,如果我的所有日​​志语句都“传递”给那个 tomcat 异步文件处理程序,然后自动记录异步?

Tomcat's logging is irrelevant if you are using a separate logging framework (such as SLF4J) in your web application.如果您在 Web 应用程序中使用单独的日志记录框架(例如 SLF4J),则 Tomcat 的日志记录无关紧要。 The SLF4J docs should tell you what is synchronous and what is asynchronous in that framework. SLF4J 文档应该告诉您在该框架中什么是同步的,什么是异步的。

For the record, Tomcat's internal logging is synchronous until it gets to the AsyncFileHandler where it is buffered and written asynchronously on a separate thread (because writing to the file system is usually the slowest part of the logging call).作为记录,Tomcat 的内部日志记录是同步的,直到它到达AsyncFileHandler ,在那里它被缓冲并在单独的线程上异步写入(因为写入文件系统通常是日志记录调用中最慢的部分)。

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