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sqlalchemy-bind 表中的 Flask 视图不起作用

[英]Flask View from table of a sqlalchemy-bind doesn't work

I'm using python 3.6.5, flask 1.0.2, flask-admin, flask-sqlalchemy我正在使用 python 3.6.5、flask 1.0.2、flask-admin、flask-sqlalchemy

I have problems showing a View of a table from a second database, sqlalchemy bind configuration, model database, model view all seem like it's ok, but view is not showed in the app, and when I try to force it through the URL, a permissions message appears.我在显示来自第二个数据库、sqlalchemy 绑定配置、模型数据库、模型视图的视图时遇到问题,看起来一切正常,但是应用程序中没有显示视图,当我尝试通过 URL 强制它时,一个出现权限消息。

I have checked the bind configuration, when I comment that line, the expected error appears.我已经检查了绑定配置,当我评论该行时,出现了预期的错误。

I also removed and added some other views from primary database's tables, all of that work well.我还从主数据库的表中删除并添加了一些其他视图,所有这些都运行良好。

I have tried with different ways to make reference to db.session:我尝试了不同的方法来引用 db.session:

db.session #like always
db.get_engine(app, 'login')

None of that report any error, but view doesn't work.这些都没有报告任何错误,但视图不起作用。


SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql+pymysql://user:pass@localhost/radius'
        'login': 'mysql+pymysql://user:pass@localhost/login_radisp'

db Model:数据库型号:

class Empleado(db.Model):
    __bind_key__ = 'login_radisp'
    __tablename__ = 'empleados'
    id_empleado = Column(INTEGER, primary_key=True)
    nombre = Column(String(255))
    apellido = Column(String(255))
    email = Column(String(255))

db Model View数据库模型视图

class EmpleadoAdmin(sqla.ModelView):
    column_labels = dict(
        nombre = 'Nombre',
        apellido = 'Apellido',
        telefono = 'Teléfono',
        email = 'Email'

Creating app builder objects:创建应用程序构建器对象:

admin.add_view(EmpleadoAdmin(Empleado, db.session(bind=['login'])))

There is not error at all, but view is not showed in the app, when I try to force the view in the URL, next message appears:根本没有错误,但是应用程序中没有显示视图,当我尝试在 URL 中强制视图时,出现下一条消息:


You don't have the permission to access the requested resource. It is either read-protected or not readable by the server.

This is a DB access problem, not a flask-admin issue.这是一个数据库访问问题,而不是一个烧瓶管理问题。 Check your "SQLALCHEMY_BINDS" access检查您的“SQLALCHEMY_BINDS”访问权限

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