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根据行值使用其他列的名称填充新的 Pandas 数据框列

[英]Populate a new pandas dataframe column with names of other columns based on their row value

I want to add a new column in a dataframe with the names of other columns as values, based on a condition.我想根据条件在数据框中添加一个新列,将其他列的名称作为值。

import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame({
'customer': ['bob', 'jerry', 'alice', 'susan'],
'internet_bill': ['paid', 'past_due', 'due_soon', 'past_due'],
'electric_bill': ['past_due', 'due_soon', 'past_due', 'paid'],
'water_bill': ['paid', 'past_due', 'paid', 'paid']})

Here's the dataframe.这是数据框。

    customer    internet_bill   electric_bill   water_bill
0   bob         paid            past_due        paid
1   jerry       past_due        due_soon        past_due
2   alice       due_soon        past_due        paid
3   susan       past_due        paid            paid

I want to add a new column summarizing what is 'past_due'.我想添加一个新列,总结什么是“过去的到期”。 Here's the desired result:这是想要的结果:

    customer    internet_bill   electric_bill   water_bill  past_due
0   bob         past_due        past_due        past_due    internet_bill, electric_bill, water_bill
1   jerry       past_due        due_soon        past_due    internet_bill, water_bill
2   alice       due_soon        past_due        paid        electric_bill
3   susan       past_due        paid            paid        internet_bill

I was able to do this in Excel with the following formula:我能够使用以下公式在 Excel 中执行此操作:


Ultimately, my output will be an excel file for some nurses & hospital workers to follow up with patients (not bill collecting! Patient care stuff).最终,我的输出将是一个 excel 文件,供一些护士和医院工作人员跟进患者(不是账单收集!患者护理的东西)。 I have thought about using an excel writer library to just create an .xlsx and insert formulas.我曾考虑使用 excel 编写器库来创建 .xlsx 并插入公式。

AND - I was able to do this to catch one column, but my gut tells me there's a much better way.并且 - 我能够做到这一点来捕捉一列,但我的直觉告诉我有更好的方法。 Here's what I used to do that:这是我过去常常这样做的:

both['past_due'] = [
'internet_bill' if x == 'PAST_DUE' 
else 'None' for x in df['internet_bill']]

This would basically check the row in each targeted column if that row contained 'PAST_DUE', and if so, it would return the column name, move on to the next column, check for past due, add the column name.如果该行包含“PAST_DUE”,这将基本上检查每个目标列中的行,如果是,它将返回列名,移至下一列,检查逾期,添加列名。

I have had no success in finding anything close to this with searches, probably due to struggling to form a good question in the search bar.我在搜索中没有找到与此接近的任何内容,这可能是由于在搜索栏中努力形成一个好问题。 I haven't found any questions where someone is trying to pull other column names as a value based on a condition.我没有发现任何问题,有人试图根据条件将其他列名作为值。

Thanks for any help!谢谢你的帮助!

  >>>data['past_due'] = data.apply(lambda x: tuple(x[x == 'past_due'].index), 
    customer             ...                                  past_due
  0      bob             ...                          (electric_bill,)
  1    jerry             ...               (internet_bill, water_bill)
  2    alice             ...                          (electric_bill,)
  3    susan             ...                          (internet_bill,)
  [4 rows x 5 columns]


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