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所有正在运行的容器上的Docker exec

[英]Docker exec on all running containers

I am running several docker containers running on my server, and need to exec a git pull for a repository that is on all of them. 我正在服务器上运行多个docker容器,并且需要对所有容器上的存储库执行git pull。

I have tried using this: 我试过使用此:

docker exec $(docker ps -q) bash -c "cd /var/www/html && git pull"

but it errors out with this: 但是它会出错:

OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:345: starting container process caused "exec: \"606a1083d0be\": executable file not found in $PATH": unknown

It worked at one point, but then suddenly stopped working for no apparent reason (I didn't change any docker configuration) 它曾经工作过,但是后来突然停止工作,没有明显原因(我没有更改任何docker配置)

Note: the output of docker ps -q is only container ids: 注意: docker ps -q的输出仅是容器ID:


I'd assume you have more than one container running, and $(docker ps -q) is expanding to some_container1 606a1083d0be and it's treating 606a1083d0be as the command you want to run, which doesn't exist. 我假设您有多个容器在运行,并且$(docker ps -q) some_container1 606a1083d0be $(docker ps -q)扩展到some_container1 606a1083d0be ,并将606a1083d0be视为要运行的命令,该命令不存在。 Can you post the output of docker ps -q alone to confirm please? 您可以单独发布docker ps -q的输出以确认吗? Also if you want just the latest container id, try substituting $(docker ps -ql) instead. 另外,如果只需要最新的容器ID,请尝试替换$(docker ps -ql)

Edit: in response to your confirmation, exactly what I said is happening. 编辑:响应您的确认,我所说的正是事实。 As for why it worked before, you likely only had one container running then. 至于为什么以前起作用,那么那时您可能只运行了一个容器。

Using Docker exec you can run the command on the container one at a time, but from your Question you want to run the command on all running container, here you go. 使用Docker exec可以一次在容器上运行该命令,但是从您要在所有正在运行的容器上运行该命令的问题出发,就可以了。

    for containerId in $(docker ps -q)
        docker exec -it $containerId bash -c 'cd /var/www/html && git pull'

I assume git is already installed in all running container and all base on bash 我假设git已经安装在所有正在运行的容器中,并且全部基于bash

Or more compact form can be 或更紧凑的形式可以是

for i in `docker ps -q`; do docker exec -it $i bash -c 'cd /var/www/html && git pull'; done

Try running git command with the absolute path, sometimes helps on docker to use the absolute path to a binary: 尝试使用绝对路径运行git命令,有时有助于docker使用二进制的绝对路径:

Also have a look at this cheatsheet:(I always use this when using docker) https://gist.github.com/ruanbekker/4e8e4ca9b82b103973eaaea4ac81aa5f 也看看这个备忘单:(我在使用docker时总是使用它) https://gist.github.com/ruanbekker/4e8e4ca9b82b103973eaaea4ac81aa5f

I would suggest that you download the code from github and put it in a volume where the volume points to a directory on your local machine. 我建议您从github下载代码并将其放在一个卷中,该卷指向本地计算机上的目录。 That way you can work directly on code on your own computer and interact with git while working with the code. 这样,您可以直接在自己的计算机上处​​理代码,并在使用代码时与git交互。 That way the docker container can directly access the code from github via the volume. 这样,docker容器可以通过该卷直接从github访问代码。 Also have a look at some good practices for using git with docker, you probably wanna delete all .git files before deploying your code for security reasons. 还可以查看将git与docker结合使用的一些好的做法,出于安全原因,您可能想在部署代码之前删除所有.git文件。 Let me know if you need help with putting the source code in a volume. 如果您需要帮助将源代码放入一个卷中,请告诉我。

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