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此Interop实例适用于Office 365吗?

[英]Does this Interop Instance work for office 365?

I have this instance 我有这个实例

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();


and I would like to know if it works for when I have office 365 installed on my computer? 并且我想知道当我在计算机上安装Office 365时是否适用? or if I have to modify the code line to make it work with office 365 或者如果我必须修改代码行以使其与Office 365一起使用

Mirosoft works extremely hard to make sure that every new version of MS Office is fully compatible with previous ones. Mirosoft非常努力地确保MS Office的每个新版本都与以前的版本完全兼容。 The operations above are very simple, therefore there's a 0% chance that they won't work in future versions of MS Office. 上面的操作非常简单,因此有0%的可能性它们无法在将来的MS Office版本中使用。


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