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[英]How to make python output more decimal places of a recurring decimal?

import decimal
#functions etc. x is changed
#now returns is a list full of integers
#This happens to give 0.6999
# This happens to give 0.6998999999996034 blah blah blah

The decimal module gives too many decimal places and round(decimal.Decimal(x),5) gives 0.69990 小数模块给出的小数位数太多,而round(decimal.Decimal(x),5)给出0.69990

I would like it to output 0.69999(5 dp) but it outputs 0.6999 or 0.69990 我希望它输出0.69999(5 dp),但输出0.6999或0.69990

You can try something like this 您可以尝试这样的事情

g = float("{0:.5f}".format(x))

#output be like

you already have the right answer: round(decimal.Decimal(x),5) which gives 0.69990 . 您已经有了正确的答案: round(decimal.Decimal(x),5)得到0.69990 In your case, you should not expect 0.69999 , it is not even close to 0.699899999999 . 就您而言,您不应期望0.69999 ,甚至不接近0.699899999999 The python built-in function round is good to use, but sometimes it can be surprising, see more details here python内置函数round很好用,但有时可能令人惊讶,请在此处查看更多详细信息

To summary: 总结一下:

import decimal
print("x =", x)
g = round(decimal.Decimal(x),5)
print("rounded:", g)

output: 输出:

x = 0.699899999
rounded: 0.69990

The number 0.699899999999... is mathematically equivalent to 0.6999000... , assuming the 9 s repeat farther than we want to go before we round things off. 数字0.699899999999...在数学上等价于0.6999000... ,假设9 s的重复距离比四舍五入前的0.6999000...远。

This is the same as the question of why 0.9999... is equal to 1 (for which you can find many explanations online, I'm fond of this one myself), just shifted several decimal places to the right. 这与为什么0.9999...等于1的问题相同(为此您可以在网上找到很多解释,我自己很喜欢这个解释),只是向右移了几个小数位。 All the 9 s at the end turn into a 1 . 最后的所有9变成1 That one gets added to the last 8 and turn it into a 9 . 那个加到最后8 ,然后变成9 That's all followed by infinite zeros, which Python omits by default. 这之后是无限零,Python默认会忽略该零。

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