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[英]How to display data from controller to blade in laravel?

I have this query in controller that output data as i want. 我在我想要输出数据的控制器中有此查询。 I would like to display total to the view. 我想显示总计视图。 Right now it shows total of the first order to all orders. 现在,它显示所有订单中第一个订单的总数。 for example if the first order total is $56, all orders will be $56. 例如,如果第一笔订单的总金额为$ 56,则所有订单的金额均为$ 56。 How can i show total of every order? 如何显示每个订单的总数?

This is how the controller looks like 这就是控制器的外观

public function viewOrders(User $user)
//$seller = Auth::user();
$totals = OrderProduct::select("seller_id", DB::Raw("SUM(Subtotal) AS total"), 'order_id')
->where('seller_id', '=',  \Auth::user()->id)


$orders = Order::whereHas('orderItems.product', function ($query) {
    $query->where('seller_id', '=',  \Auth::user()->id);

return view('orders', ['orders'=> $orders, 'total'=> $totals] );

when i dd($totals) i get 当我dd($ totals)我得到

Collection {#278 ▼
#items: array:4 [▼
0 => OrderProduct {#302 ▶}
1 => OrderProduct {#303 ▶}
2 => OrderProduct {#304 ▼
  #table: "order_product"
  #fillable: array:6 [▶]
  #connection: "mysql"
  #primaryKey: "id"
  #keyType: "int"
  +incrementing: true
  #with: []
  #withCount: []
  #perPage: 15
  +exists: true
  +wasRecentlyCreated: false
  #attributes: array:3 [▶]
  #original: array:3 [▼
    "seller_id" => 1
    "total" => "56"------------------->I would like to show this
    "order_id" => 35
  #changes: []
3 => OrderProduct {#305 ▼
  #table: "order_product"
  #fillable: array:6 [▶
  #attributes: array:3 [▶]
  #original: array:3 [▼
    "seller_id" => 1
    "total" => "112"------------------->I would like to show this
    "order_id" => 36
  #changes: []
  #casts: []

Blade view 刀片视图

@foreach ($order->orderItems as $item)
@if($item->product->user_id == Auth::user()->id)

   <td>{{ $item->product->name }}</td>
   <td>{{ $item->product->price }}</td>


@foreach($total as $item)
 <td>Total: {{$item->total }}</td>

Your second foreach loop is likely the issue. 您的第二个foreach循环可能是问题所在。 You are in an HTML table. 您在HTML表中。 For each row , you are looping through the orderItems to make <td> s for the product, price, etc. It looks like you have a single column set up for the Total field for that item. 对于每一 ,您将遍历orderItems以使产品,价格等为<td> 。看起来您为该项目的Total字段设置了单个

So, you are likely only able to write one item's total, since there is no more room on the table to add more <td> s. 因此,您可能只能够写出一项的总数,因为表上没有更多的空间可以添加更多的<td> To see if this is the issue, you can perhaps attempt to put the totals into one <td> with a pipe in between as a test. 要查看是否是问题所在,您可以尝试将总计放入一个<td> ,并在两者之间使用管道进行测试。 This would go inside the first loop: 这会去的第一个循环

  @foreach($total as $item)
     {{$item->total }}
     {{ $loop->last?"":" | " }}

If this is the case, you may want to re-architect for the 3 dimensional total per item - perhaps like the test above, or perhaps a single sum of the totals per product, etc. Something to allow for one row to contain one <td> for total(s). 在这种情况下,您可能需要为每个项目的3维总计进行重新架构-可能像上面的测试一样,或者每个产品的总计总计为一个总和,等等。某种允许一行包含一个<td> (总计)。

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