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在 Service Worker 文件中使用 ESM(导入/导出)

[英]Use ESM in a service worker file (import/export)

I am trying to use a service worker file which is also an ESM module.我正在尝试使用一个服务工作者文件,它也是一个 ESM 模块。

The register method has an extra argument accepting an options object which has a type field whose valid values seem to be classic and module , but when I use: register方法有一个额外的参数,它接受一个options对象,该对象具有一个type字段,其有效值似乎是classicmodule ,但是当我使用时:

navigator.serviceWorker.register('worker.js', { type: 'module' });
// `worker.mjs` doesn't work either
// The file exists in both cases!

I get an unspecified DOMException with no message in Chrome.我在 Chrome 中收到一个未指定的DOMException且没有消息。

I figured what the valid values for type were by reading the spec, specifically this:我想出什么有效的值type是通过读取规格,具体如下:

https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/workers.html#workertype https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/workers.html#workertype

It seems to me like my code is valid.在我看来,我的代码是有效的。

As a sanity check, I also tried to explicity set type to classic and the service worker registration then goes through fine.作为完整性检查,我还尝试将type显式设置为classic ,然后服务人员注册就可以正常进行了。 If I set it to an invalid value, I get a TypeError telling me so, so it's not like the browser is not yet aware of type: module .如果我将它设置为无效值,我会收到一个TypeError告诉我,所以浏览器并不知道type: module It is treated as a special case, it just throws a DOMException with no message.它被视为一种特殊情况,它只是抛出一个没有消息的DOMException

Am I using the type field correctly?我是否正确使用了type字段? Is it still too early and it is not supported in browsers?现在还为时过早,浏览器不支持吗?

This is dumb!这是愚蠢的! Chrome will print just DOMException into the console (not even expansible) when logging the error object and Object.keys on that object instance returns [] , but when I specifically print e.message the culprit is revealed:当记录错误对象和对象实例上的Object.keys返回[] ,Chrome 将仅将DOMException打印到控制台(甚至不可扩展),但是当我专门打印e.message ,罪魁祸首就暴露了:

type 'module' in RegistrationOptions is not implemented yet.See https://crbug.com/824647 for details.尚未实现 RegistrationOptions 中的类型“模块”。有关详细信息,请参阅https://crbug.com/824647

Not amused by Chrome.没有被 Chrome 逗乐。

On browsers, bare names can't be used to identify modules unless you also have a module map (aka import map , this link has much more info) that maps the bare name to a module.在浏览器上,裸名称不能用于标识模块,除非您还有将裸名称映射到模块的模块映射(又名import map ,此链接有更多信息)。

If worker.js is in the same location as the page loading it, then:如果worker.js与加载它的页面位于同一位置,则:

navigator.serviceWorker.register('./worker.js', { type: 'module' });
// -------------------------------^^

Or of course, add a module map.或者当然,添加一个模块映射。

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