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如何在 TensorFlow 2 中写入 TensorBoard

[英]How to write to TensorBoard in TensorFlow 2

I'm quite familiar in TensorFlow 1.x and I'm considering to switch to TensorFlow 2 for an upcoming project.我对 TensorFlow 1.x 非常熟悉,我正在考虑为即将到来的项目切换到 TensorFlow 2。 I'm having some trouble understanding how to write scalars to TensorBoard logs with eager execution , using a custom training loop .我在理解如何使用自定义训练循环将标量写入 TensorBoard 日志时遇到一些麻烦。

Problem description问题描述

In tf1 you would create some summary ops (one op for each thing you would want to store), which you would then merge into a single op, run that merged op inside a session and then write this to a file using a FileWriter object.在 tf1 中,您将创建一些摘要操作(您要存储的每个操作一个操作),然后将其合并为一个操作,在会话中运行该合并操作,然后使用 FileWriter 对象将其写入文件。 Assuming sess is our tf.Session() , an example of how this worked can be seen below:假设sess是我们的tf.Session() ,它是如何工作的一个例子可以在下面看到:

# While defining our computation graph, define summary ops:
# ... some ops ...
tf.summary.scalar('scalar_1', scalar_1)
# ... some more ops ...
tf.summary.scalar('scalar_2', scalar_2)
# ... etc.

# Merge all these summaries into a single op:
merged = tf.summary.merge_all()

# Define a FileWriter (i.e. an object that writes summaries to files):
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(log_dir, sess.graph)

# Inside the training loop run the op and write the results to a file:
for i in range(num_iters):
    summary, ... = sess.run([merged, ...], ...)
    writer.add_summary(summary, i)

The problem is that sessions don't exist anymore in tf2 and I would prefer not disabling eager execution to make this work.问题是 tf2 中不再存在会话,我不希望禁用急切执行来完成这项工作。 The official documentation is written for tf1 and all references I can find suggest using the Tensorboard keras callback. 官方文档是为 tf1 编写的,我能找到的所有参考资料都建议使用 Tensorboard keras 回调。 However, as far as I know, this only works if you train the model through model.fit(...) and not through a custom training loop .但是,据我所知,这仅在您通过model.fit(...)而不是通过自定义训练循环训练模型时才有效。

What I've tried我试过的

  • The tf1 version of tf.summary functions, outside of a session. tf.summary函数的 tf1 版本,在会话之外。 Obviously any combination of these functions fails, as FileWriters, merge_ops, etc. don't even exist in tf2.显然,这些函数的任何组合都会失败,因为 FileWriters、merge_ops 等甚至在 tf2 中都不存在。
  • This medium post states that there has been a "cleanup" in some tensorflow APIs including tf.summary() . 这篇中篇文章指出,在包括tf.summary()在内的一些 tensorflow API 中已经进行了“清理”。 They suggest using from tensorflow.python.ops.summary_ops_v2 , which doesn't seem to work.他们建议使用from tensorflow.python.ops.summary_ops_v2 ,这似乎不起作用。 This implies using a record_summaries_every_n_global_steps ;意味着使用record_summaries_every_n_global_steps more on this later.稍后会详细介绍。
  • A series of other posts 1 , 2 , 3 , suggest using the tf.contrib.summary and tf.contrib.FileWriter .一系列其他帖子123建议使用tf.contrib.summarytf.contrib.FileWriter However, tf.contrib has been removed from the core TensorFlow repository and build process .但是, tf.contrib已从核心 TensorFlow 存储库和构建过程中删除
  • A TensorFlow v2 showcase from the official repo , which again uses the tf.contrib summaries along with the record_summaries_every_n_global_steps mentioned previously. 来自官方 repo 的 TensorFlow v2 展示,它再次使用tf.contrib摘要以及前面提到的record_summaries_every_n_global_steps I couldn't make this to work either (even without using the contrib library).我也不能让它工作(即使不使用 contrib 库)。

tl;dr tl;博士

My questions are:我的问题是:

  • Is there a way to properly use tf.summary in TensroFlow 2?有没有办法在 TensroFlow 2 中正确使用tf.summary
  • If not, is there another way to write TensorBoard logs in TensorFlow 2, when using a custom training loop (not model.fit() )?如果没有,当使用自定义训练循环(不是model.fit() )时,是否有另一种方法可以在 TensorFlow 2 中编写 TensorBoard 日志?

Yes, there is a simpler and more elegant way to use summaries in TensorFlow v2.是的,在 TensorFlow v2 中有一种更简单、更优雅的方法来使用摘要。

First, create a file writer that stores the logs (eg in a directory named log_dir ):首先,创建一个存储日志的文件log_dir (例如在名为log_dir的目录中):

writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(log_dir)

Anywhere you want to write something to the log file (eg a scalar) use your good old tf.summary.scalar inside a context created by the writer.在您想向日志文件(例如标量)写入内容的任何地方,请在作者创建的上下文中使用旧的tf.summary.scalar Suppose you want to store the value of scalar_1 for step i :假设您要为步骤i存储scalar_1的值:

with writer.as_default():
    tf.summary.scalar('scalar_1', scalar_1, step=i)

You can open as many of these contexts as you like inside or outside of your training loop.您可以根据需要在训练循环内外打开任意数量的上下文。


# create the file writer object
writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(log_dir)

for i, (x, y) in enumerate(train_set):

    with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
        y_ = model(x)
        loss = loss_func(y, y_)

    grads = tape.gradient(loss, model.trainable_variables)
    optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, model.trainable_variables))

    # write the loss value
    with writer.as_default():
        tf.summary.scalar('training loss', loss, step=i+1)

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