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[英]Typescript, no 'window' events when adding an import statement

So I'm pretty new to typescript, javascript and web-shizzles (I normally build native apps). 因此,我对打字稿,JavaScript和Web-shizzles非常陌生(我通常会构建本机应用程序)。 But I'm experimenting with Phaser3 and use VSCode with typescript to transpile the javascript files. 但是我正在使用Phaser3进行实验,并使用带有Typescript的VSCode来转换javascript文件。 First I used namespaces (C# background), but apparently that's not the way to go in typescript, so I removed the namespaces and used export with corresponding import statements. 首先,我使用了命名空间(C#背景),但显然这不是输入打字稿的方法,因此我删除了命名空间,并使用了带有相应导入语句的导出。

The problem: It took me a while to figure out that my window event (window.onload) doesn't fire because of importing a required type. 问题:我花了一段时间才弄清楚我的窗口事件(window.onload)由于导入了必需的类型而没有触发。 This event is kind of the entry point to the app. 该事件是应用程序的入口点。 Suggestions for other ways to kick start the project are always welcome. 始终欢迎提出其他启动项目的建议。 Here is the code: 这是代码:

window.onload DOES NOT FIRE: window.onload不会触发:

import { Boot } from "./Boot";

window.onload = () => {

After removing the 'import', window.onload FIRES! 删除“导入”后,window.onload火灾!

//import { Boot } from "./Boot";

window.onload = () => {

Boot.ts Boot.ts


export class Boot {
        static runApp() {
            console.log("RUN APP!!");
//Start the game... (code removed)


This is my tsconfig: 这是我的tsconfig:

    "compileOnSave": true,
    "compilerOptions": {
        "target": "ES5",
        "module": "system",
        "sourceMap": false,
        "outDir": "bin/js/",
        "outFile": "bin/js/game.js"

    "include": [


Any ideas why it behaves like this? 任何想法为什么它会这样? It's a bit annoying because that spot launches my game code. 有点烦人,因为那个地方启动了我的游戏代码。 Is it possible to start my 'Boot.runApp()' function from a tag in my index.html? 是否可以从index.html中的标签启动我的'Boot.runApp()'函数?

When you import / export you create a module. import / export将创建一个模块。 You are using SystemJS ( module: system in your tsconfig). 您正在使用SystemJS( module: system tsconfig中的system)。 Modules are wrapped in system register blocks: 模块包装在系统寄存器块中:

System.register("index", [], function (exports_2, context_2) {
    "use strict";
    var __moduleName = context_2 && context_2.id;
    return {
        setters: [],
        execute: function () {
            window.onload = function () {

You need to run something like System.import('index.js'); 您需要运行类似System.import('index.js'); to run that code. 运行该代码。 When your typescript file is not a module, the window.onload is put directly into the compiled output, not wrapped in a System.register , which means it will be immediatly executed when you load the file. 如果您的打字稿文件不是模块,则将window.onload直接放入已编译的输出中,而不包装在System.register ,这意味着在加载文件时将立即执行该文件。

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