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[英]How to disable jasypt's automatic property decryption for a single component?

In my spring boot application, I want jasypt to decrypt injected properties in all components but one . 在我的spring boot应用程序中,我希望jasypt解密除一个组件之外的所有组件中的注入属性。

I find jasypt automatic encryption/decryption handy, but in my SecurityConfig I want to get the encrypted values, and decrypt them later. 我发现使用jasypt自动加密/解密很方便,但是在我的SecurityConfig我想获取加密的值,并在以后对其进行解密。

How can I disable jasypt decryption for one property or one class? 如何禁用一个属性或一个类的Jasypt解密?

@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true)
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    private String password;// <= this field will contain the decrypted password, but should contain the encrypted password


There is a workaround: Write this in your application.properties: 有一个解决方法:将其写在application.properties中:


And replace ENC_X to ENC , when injecting the property: 并在注入属性时将ENC_X替换为ENC

@EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true)
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
    private String password;// <= this field will contain 'ENC(1234)' (unencrypted)

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