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为什么使用strsafe.h StringCch函数会导致C6386缓冲区溢出错误?

[英]Why error C6386 buffer overrun with strsafe.h StringCch functions?

So I ran an Analyze in VS 2017 with my C++ code. 因此,我使用C ++代码在VS 2017中进行了分析。 It gives me a buffer overrun with the following: 它为我提供了以下缓冲区溢出:

TCHAR *sTemp = new TCHAR[5]();
if (sTemp)
    StringCchCopy(sTemp, 5, L"0123456789");

When I step through the code, sTemp is "0123", with the 4th position of course being \\0. 当我单步执行代码时,sTemp为“ 0123”,第4个位置当然为\\ 0。

When I run Analyze on the code, I get the C6386 error: 在代码上运行Analyze时,出现C6386错误:

Warning C6386   Buffer overrun while writing to 'sTemp':  the writable size is 'unsigned int' bytes, but '10' bytes might be written.

Why? 为什么? I have also tried changing the array to 10 and the StringCchCopy to 5 and still the same error. 我也尝试将数组更改为10,将StringCchCopy更改为5,并且仍然是相同的错误。

The warning refers to the fact, that the source string will not ever fit inside the destination. 该警告指的是源字符串永远无法放入目标的事实。 The source string has a length of 10, the destination a size of 5 code units. 源字符串的长度为10,目标字符串的长度为5个代码单元。 It's not relevant at all, that the static analyzer cannot determine the size of the dynamically allocated destination array. 静态分析器无法确定动态分配的目标数组的大小完全无关紧要。

If it were, and it would discover a mismatch between the actual size and the size you claimed, it would raise an error, not a warning. 如果是这样,并且会发现实际大小与您声明的大小不匹配,则会引发错误,而不是警告。

The docs for StringCchCopy say that the second parameter must be the size of the destination buffer and that the destination buffer must be big enough to hold the source string. StringCchCopy的文档说第二个参数必须是目标缓冲区的大小, 并且目标缓冲区必须足够大以容纳源字符串。 You're not checking the return code from the function but I suspect it will be STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, which means "The copy operation failed due to insufficient buffer space. The destination buffer contains a truncated, null-terminated version of the intended result. In situations where truncation is acceptable, this may not necessarily be seen as a failure condition." 您没有检查该函数的返回代码,但我怀疑它将是STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER,这意味着“复制操作由于缓冲区空间不足而失败。目标缓冲区包含预期结果的截断的,以空值终止的版本。在某些情况下如果可以接受截断,则不一定将其视为失败情况。”

https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/strsafe/nf-strsafe-stringcchcopyw https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/win32/api/strsafe/nf-strsafe-stringcchcopyw

I guess you're happy with, and expecting, the truncation, but the static analysis tool is seeing that your source string is longer than your destination buffer and triggering the warning. 我猜您对截断感到满意并期待,但是静态分析工具发现您的源字符串比目标缓冲区长,并触发了警告。


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