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将鼠标悬停在 ssrs 中的图像上时,如何格式化工具提示表达式中显示的文本?

[英]How do I format text displayed in a tooltip expression when hovering over an image in ssrs?

I'm trying to have descriptive text show up on a tool tip when hovering over an image.当鼠标悬停在图像上时,我试图在工具提示上显示描述性文本。 However the text shows up in a single long line in a window across the screen.但是,文本在屏幕上的窗口中显示为单长行。 How do I add line breaks and control the text font/size in the tooltip expression.如何在工具提示表达式中添加换行符并控制文本字体/大小。 Also, the tooltip window needs to be displayed until the user moves the mouse off the image.此外,工具提示窗口需要一直显示,直到用户将鼠标移离图像。 Can this be done using html or java expressions?这可以使用 html 或 java 表达式完成吗? Am I better off trying to create a small collapsible tablix with the desired text as the child group?我最好尝试创建一个带有所需文本作为子组的小型可折叠 tablix 吗?

I'm using Report Builder 3.0 and my expression looks like this:我正在使用 Report Builder 3.0,我的表达式如下所示:

="Description: All trees or conditions inspected that yield a 
  rating of 10, 11, or 12, should have a Work Order created. 
  There are Inspections of priority A or B that do not have a 
  Work Order.  
  Logic: INSPs are selected for this metric if the following is true:

 -The INSP has a Risk Rating of 10,11,12 from RISKASSESSMENT_EVW

 -The INSP does not have a matching Inspection Global ID in WORKORDER_EVW

 -The INSP has an Inspection Date that is NOT NULL in INSPECTION_EVW"

I want to have line breaks after each logic descriptor.我想在每个逻辑描述符之后换行。

You can add a linebreak by inserting the VB constant vbcrlf which is basically an old school carriage return, line feed insertion.您可以通过插入 VB 常量vbcrlf来添加换行符,这基本上是一个老式的回车、换行插入。 Break each line apart with a closing quote and use the & symbol to concatenate.用结束引号将每一行分开,并使用&符号连接。 So the expression would look something like the following.所以表达式看起来像下面这样。

="Description: All trees or conditions inspected that yield a rating of 10, 11, or 12, 
should have a Work Order created. There are Inspections of priority A or B that do not 
have a Work Order." & vbcrlf & 
"Logic: INSPs are selected for this metric if the following is true: " & vbcrlf & 
" -The INSP has a Risk Rating of 10,11,12 from RISKASSESSMENT_EVW" & vbcrlf & 
" -The INSP does not have a matching Inspection Global ID in WORKORDER_EVW" & vbcrlf & 
" -The INSP has an Inspection Date that is NOT NULL in INSPECTION_EVW"

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