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Qt Q_OBJECT 宏导致样式表出现意外行为

[英]Qt Q_OBJECT macro causes unexpected behaviour with style sheets

I have written a custom Qt widget extending the QWidget class.我编写了一个扩展QWidget类的自定义 Qt 小部件。

Let's consider the following code:让我们考虑以下代码:

.h 。H

#ifndef SS_TEST_H
#define SS_TEST_H

#include <QMainWindow>

class TestWidget : public QWidget
    Q_OBJECT // ***>>> BUG HERE <<<***

        TestWidget(const QString & v1, const QString & v2, QWidget * parent = nullptr);

class TestWindow : public QMainWindow


#endif // SS_TEST_H

.cpp .cpp

#include "ss_test.h"

#include <QGridLayout>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QApplication>

TestWidget::TestWidget(const QString & v1, const QString & v2, QWidget * parent) : QWidget(parent)
    QGridLayout * lay = new QGridLayout;

    QLabel * field = new QLabel(v1, this);
    QLabel * value = new QLabel(v2, this);
    value->setStyleSheet("QLabel { background-color: white; border: 1px solid silver; }");

    lay->addWidget(field, 0, 0);
    lay->addWidget(value, 0, 1);


    this->setStyleSheet("QWidget { background-color: red; }");

    setWindowTitle("ss test");
    resize(400, 300);

    QWidget * cw = new QWidget;
    QVBoxLayout * cl = new QVBoxLayout;

    TestWidget * tw1 = new TestWidget("Field 1", "Value 1", this);
    TestWidget * tw2 = new TestWidget("Field 2", "Value 2", this);



int main(int argc, char ** argv)
    QApplication app(argc, argv);

    TestWindow tw;

    return app.exec();

The widget that I am talking about is the TestWidget class.我正在谈论的小部件是TestWidget类。

Without the Q_OBJECT macro in the class declaration, I obtain exactly the style I want:如果类声明中没有Q_OBJECT宏,我将获得我想要的样式: 在此处输入图片说明

But if I add the Q_OBJECT macro at the beginning of the class declaration (as you can see the comments in the header file), it unexpectedly modifies the style of the widget:但是如果我在类声明的开头添加Q_OBJECT宏(正如你在头文件中看到的注释),它意外地修改了小部件的样式: 在此处输入图片说明

I do not understand what happens here.我不明白这里发生了什么。

Of course, in my real project, the widget is way more elaborated than it is in this minimal example and necessarily needs the Q_OBJECT macro (in order to use signal/slots mechanisms and qobject_cast ).当然,在我的实际项目中,小部件比这个最小示例中的要复杂得多,并且必然需要Q_OBJECT宏(为了使用信号/插槽机制和qobject_cast )。

I would be very grateful if someone can explain me what Q_OBJECT does here and why.如果有人能向我解释Q_OBJECT在这里做什么以及为什么,我将不胜感激。

One has to read the documentation quite carefully to stumble on the right passage .人们必须非常仔细地阅读文档才能偶然发现正确的段落

Your TestWidget class needs to reimplement the paintEvent:您的 TestWidget 类需要重新实现paintEvent:

void TestWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
    QStyleOption opt;
    QPainter p(this);
    style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this);

There is also the important note, that you have to define the Q_OBJECT macro.还有一个重要的注意事项,您必须定义 Q_OBJECT 宏。

Warning: Make sure you define the Q_OBJECT macro for your custom widget.警告:确保为自定义小部件定义 Q_OBJECT 宏。

I tried it and the behavior seemingly fit your needs.我试过了,这种行为似乎符合您的需求。

A possible explanation for the strange behavior, in case of lacking Q_OBJECT, might be, that qobject_cast<TestWidget*>(widget) would yield nullptr .在缺少 Q_OBJECT 的情况下,对这种奇怪行为的一种可能解释是, qobject_cast<TestWidget*>(widget)将产生nullptr That might result in a different behavior for the rendered stylesheet.这可能会导致呈现的样式表出现不同的行为。

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