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当预任务失败且depends_on_past = true时,如何触发气流中的任务?

[英]How to trigger task in airflow when pre-task failed and depends_on_past = true?

I have a task needs to be triggered every 5 minutes. 我有一个任务需要每5分钟触发一次。 And the next task needs to wait for the previous one to be done (no matter success or failure on the previous task). 下一个任务需要等待上一个任务完成(无论上一个任务是成功还是失败)。

Here's how I configure the parameters. 这是我配置参数的方式。

default_args = {
    'owner': 'airflow',
    'start_date': datetime(2019, 7, 1, 8, 30),
    'max_active_runs': 1,
    'depends_on_past': True,
    'execution_timeout': timedelta(seconds=300)

dag = DAG(
    dag_id='dag1', default_args=default_args,
    schedule_interval='*/5 8-16 * * *',

def task1(ds, **kwargs):
    #do something

task1 = PythonOperator(
    trigger_rule= 'all_done',

Under my configuration, task1 will be triggered while the previous state is a success, and be blocked while the previous state is failed. 在我的配置下,task1将在先前状态成功时被触发,而在先前状态失败时被阻塞。 I found the description in airflow's doc, "trigger_rule can be used in conjunction with depends_on_past (boolean) that, when set to True, keeps a task from getting triggered if the previous schedule for the task hasn't succeeded". 我在airflow的文档中找到了描述,“ trigger_rule可以与depends_on_past(布尔值)结合使用,当设置为True时,如果先前的任务计划未成功,则不会触发任务”。

So how can I achieve the purpose of triggering task1 while the previous task1 is done and no matter what the pre-state is? 那么,无论前状态如何,在完成前一个task1时如何达到触发task1的目的?

max_active_runs: 1 will only allow one execution of the dag at once, covering your waiting for previous requirement. max_active_runs:1将一次只允许执行一次dag,涵盖了您等待之前的要求。

You have 2 depends_on_past settings. 您有2个depends_on_past设置。 Remove one and have it set to false. 删除一个并将其设置为false。

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