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[英]angular unit test function.pipe is not a function

I am aware there is a similar question here 我知道有一个类似的问题在这里

but I am doing what the suggested answer says and I am still getting this error 但我正在执行建议的答案,但仍然出现此错误

basically I have a function like so 基本上我有这样的功能

checkForInvitation() {
        this._join.joinInformationSource.pipe(filter(x => x !== null)).subscribe(result => {
            this.joinInformation = result;

basically it gets information and then calls another method to prepopulate some form fields. 基本上,它获取信息,然后调用另一种方法来预填充某些表单字段。

now I am trying to test this method so I have created a spy like so... 现在我正在尝试测试此方法,所以我创建了一个像这样的间谍...

// ...

const joinServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('JoinService', ['joinInformationSource']);

// ...

providers: [
    { provide: JoinService, useValue: joinServiceSpy }

// ...

joinService = TestBed.get(JoinService);

it('should prepopulate fields if there is join information', () => {
   let joinInfoSpy = joinService.joinInformationSource.and.returnValue(
          // ... object

now when I run ng test I get this error repeatedly 现在当我运行ng test时,我反复得到此错误

this._join.joinInformationSource.pipe is not a function

this is my joinService 这是我的joinService

joinInformationSource = new BehaviorSubject<JoinInformation>(null);

setJoinInformation(joinInformation: JoinInformation) {

What am I doing wrong here?? 我在这里做错了什么?

According to the documentation createSpyObj accepts a list of methods as a second parameter. 根据文档, createSpyObj接受方法列表作为第二个参数。 So when you're creating the mocking object, you create joinInformationSource as a function. 因此,当您创建joinInformationSource对象时,可以将joinInformationSource创建为一个函数。

const joinServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('JoinService', ['joinInformationSource']);

//now joinSeverSpy contains method joinInformationSource

But in your code you use joinInformationSource as a field 但是在您的代码中,您使用joinInformationSource作为字段

// _join.joinInformationSource has been used as a field

this._join.joinInformationSource.pipe(filter(x => x !== null)).subscribe(result => {
    this.joinInformation = result;

And since joinInformationSource is a function it definitely doesn't have a pipe method. 而且由于joinInformationSource是一个函数,所以它肯定没有pipe方法。 There are few solutions. 解决方案很少。 One of them is using of spyOnProperty method: 其中之一是使用spyOnProperty方法:

//create a service object and define a property

const joinService: any = new Object();
Object.defineProperty(joinService, 'joinInformationSource', {get: () => {}});

//then create a spy on the property

it('should prepopulate fields if there is join information', () => {
    let joinInfoSpy = spyOnProperty(joinService, 'joinInformationSource', 'get')
            new BehaviorSubject<JoinInformation>(//object)
    //the rest of the code

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