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如果最近n次观察中没有任何NA,如何选择列? 如果相邻NA的观测值多于x,如何删除列?

[英]How to select columns if there is not any NA in the last n observations? How to drop columns if there are more than x adjacent NA's observations?

I need the following: 我需要以下内容:

1) Keep the columns if: i) The last n observations (n = 3) aren't NA's, ii) there is no NA's at all, iii) Backwards from the last NA's, there are not more than 3 adjacent NA observations 1)在以下情况下保留列:i)最后n个观测值(n = 3)不是NA,ii)根本没有NA,iii)从最后一个NA向后倒数,相邻的NA观测值不超过3

2) Drop the columns if: i) There are 3 or more adjacent NA observations 2)如果出现以下情况,请删除列:i)有3个或更多相邻的NA观测值

I'd like if the answer is using dplyr 我想如果答案是使用dplyr

Some example: 一些例子:

data = data.frame(
  A = c(3,3,3,3,4, rep(NA,5)),
  B = c(rnorm(10)),
  C = c(rep(NA,3), rnorm(7)),
  D = c(rnorm(8), NA, NA)

I've tried: 我试过了:

data %>% 
  select_if(~sum(!is.na(.)) >= 3)
  select_if(~sum(is.na(.)) > 0)

In my example, I'd only keep B, C and D. 在我的示例中,我只保留B,C和D。

We can use tail to get last n entries and drop the columns where all of them are NA . 我们可以使用tail获取最后n个条目,并删除all均为NA的列。

n <- 3

data %>% select_if(~!all(is.na(tail(., n))))

#         B      C        D
#1   0.5697     NA  0.29145
#2  -0.1351     NA -0.44329
#3   2.4016     NA  0.00111
#4  -0.0392  0.153  0.07434
#5   0.6897  2.173 -0.58952
#6   0.0280  0.476 -0.56867
#7  -0.7433 -0.710 -0.13518
#8   0.1888  0.611  1.17809
#9  -1.8050 -0.934       NA
#10  1.4656 -1.254       NA

Or with inverted logic 或采用反逻辑

data %>% select_if(~any(!is.na(tail(., n))))

For the second condition, 对于第二个条件,

Drop the columns if: i) There are 3 or more adjacent NA observations 如果出现以下情况,请删除列:i)有3个或更多相邻的NA观测值

we can use rle to get adjacent values 我们可以使用rle获取相邻值

data %>% select_if(~!any(with(rle(is.na(.)), lengths[values]) >= n))

#         B        D
#1   0.5697  0.29145
#2  -0.1351 -0.44329
#3   2.4016  0.00111
#4  -0.0392  0.07434
#5   0.6897 -0.58952
#6   0.0280 -0.56867
#7  -0.7433 -0.13518
#8   0.1888  1.17809
#9  -1.8050       NA
#10  1.4656       NA

Since we already have the functions, we can use the same in base R as well with sapply 由于我们已经有了这些功能,因此我们可以在base R和sapply使用相同的功能

#Condition 1
data[!sapply(data, function(x) all(is.na(tail(x, n))))]

#Condition 2
data[!sapply(data, function(x) any(with(rle(is.na(x)), lengths[values]) >= n))]

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