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[英]Python: How to iterate over a list of dictionaries and add each dictionary as value to a new dictionary with a unique key - no repeats

Have a list of dicts. 列出字典。 I want to add a key to each dict and append them all to one dict. 我想向每个字典添加密钥,并将它们全部附加到一个字典。 How do i do this without getting repeats of the same entry into new dict? 我该如何做而又不会重复输入相同的新字典?

I tried this code: 我尝试了这段代码:

# a_list is a list of dictionaries
# category_name is a string

def make_dict(a_list, category_name=None):

    a_dict = {}

    for item in a_list:
        for i in range(0, len(a_list)):
            a_dict.setdefault(category_name + str(i+1), item)

    return a_dict

But while it creates a new name, the first object in the list is repeated for the total number of objects in the list. 但是,当它创建一个新名称时,列表中的第一个对象将重复该列表中的对象总数。

    "Open Port 1": {
        "LocalAddress": "::",
        "LocalPort": 58448,
        "RemoteAddress": "::",
        "RemotePort": 0,
        "State": 100
    "Open Port 2": {
        "LocalAddress": "::",
        "LocalPort": 58448,
        "RemoteAddress": "::",
        "RemotePort": 0,
        "State": 100
    "Open Port 3": {
        "LocalAddress": "::",
        "LocalPort": 58448,
        "RemoteAddress": "::",
        "RemotePort": 0,
        "State": 100
    }, ... etc

Any ideas of how to solve this issue? 关于如何解决此问题的任何想法?

With the code you posted - you'll get the same key "Open Port 1" reassigned with each next dict cause the counter i is not incremented: 使用您发布的代码-您将获得与每个下一个字典重新分配的相同密钥"Open Port 1" ,因为计数器i不会增加:

i = 0
for item in a_list:
    a_dict.setdefault(category_name + str(i+1), item)
return a_dict

The corrected way would be: 正确的方法是:

i = 0
for item in a_list:
    a_dict.setdefault(category_name + str(i+1), item)
    i += 1
return a_dict

But , in your simple case you may just go with dict comprehension: 但是 ,在您的简单情况下,您可以仅使用dict理解:

a_dict = {category_name + str(i): d for i, d in enumerate(a_list, 1)}

Yeah got it fixed straight away. 是的,马上就解决了。

for item in a_list:
        a_dict[(category_name + str(i))] = item
        i += 1
    return a_dict


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