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[英]r compare two data.tables by row

I have two data.tables that I want to compare. 我有两个data.tables,我想比较。

But don't know why there is a warning 但不知道为什么会有警告

DT1 <- data.table(ID=c("F","A","E","B","C","D","C"),

DT2 <- data.table(Mark=c("Mary","Abner","Bonnie","Trista","Norman"),

DToutput <- DT1[(num > DT2$numA & num < DT2$numB &
                value > DT2$valueA & value < DT2$valueB)]

My goal : 我的目标

I want to find num and value based on Mark in DT1 , and there is a range of numA and numB in DT2 . 我想根据DT1 Mark找到numvalueDT2有一系列numAnumB

For example : 例如

For row F in DT1 , num = 59 and value = 90 , and Mark = "Mary" . 对于DT1Fnum = 59value = 90Mark = "Mary" So, when using by=Mary , you must also match: 因此,当使用by=Mary ,您还必须匹配:

num(59) > DT2$numA(48) & num(59) < DT2$numB(60) & value(90) > DT2$valueA(78) & value(90) < DT2$valueB(90)

You can see that 90 < 90 does not hold, so my result will not have row F 你可以看到90 < 90不成立,所以我的结果不会有F

I got this warning: 我收到了这个警告:

Warning messages:
 1: In num > DT2$numA : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object lengt
 2: In num < DT2$numB : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object lengt
 3: In value > DT2$valueA : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object lengt
 4: In value < DT2$valueB : longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object lengt

How can I modify it to complete what I want to do? 如何修改它以完成我想要做的事情?

Thank you 谢谢

Added: Multiple identical Marks may be used in DT2, but the values are not the same range. 补充:DT2中可以使用多个相同的标记,但值不是相同的范围。 Does this affect the comparison? 这会影响比较吗?

Another option using non-equi inner join: 使用非equi内连接的另一个选项:

DT2[DT1, on=.(Mark=Mark, numA<num, numB>num, valueA<value, valueB>value), nomatch=0L, 
    .(ID, num, value, Mark)]

or: 要么:

DT1[DT2, on=.(Mark, num>numA, num<numB, value>valueA, value<valueB), nomatch=0L, 
    .(ID, num=x.num, value=x.value, Mark)]

output: 输出:

   ID num value   Mark
1:  E 108   189  Abner
2:  C 241   280 Trista

Is this generally what you are looking for? 这通常是你在寻找什么? I joined the datatables and filtered using between for your conditions. 我加入了数据表,并使用过滤between您的条件。 If this is not what you are looking for, can you post a datatable of your expected output? 如果这不是您想要的,您可以发布预期输出的数据表吗?


DT1[DT2, on = "Mark"][between(num, numA, numB, incbounds = F) & between(value, valueA, valueB, incbounds = F)]

   ID num value   Mark numA numB valueA valueB
1:  E 108   189  Abner   20  326     34    190
2:  C 241   280 Trista  237  268    270    385

EDIT : Benchmark comparison between this approach and the non-equi inner-join from @Chinsoon12 shows that the non-equi inner-join is much faster with even a little more data. 编辑 :这种方法与@ Chinsoon12的非equi内连接之间的基准比较表明,即使是更多的数据,非equi内连接也要快得多。 It is not a perfect benchmark (just repeated the data.table ), but I still think it is clear that the non-equi inner-join is much more efficient. 它不是一个完美的基准(只是重复data.table ),但我仍然认为很明显非equi内连接效率更高。

Unit: milliseconds
           expr      min       lq      mean    median       uq      max neval
        between 233.6378 265.4323 303.14039 301.82455 334.3225 373.2760    10
 non_equi_inner  71.6925  74.1547  96.96584  91.14375  97.6664 179.9907    10

Benchmark code: 基准代码:

DT1 <- data.table(sapply(DT1, rep, 1e3))[, c("num", "value") := lapply(.SD, as.integer), .SDcols = c("num", "value")]
DT2 <- data.table(sapply(DT2, rep, 1e3))[, c("numA", "numB", "valueA", "valueB") := lapply(.SD, as.integer), .SDcols = c("numA", "numB", "valueA", "valueB")]

  between = {
    DT1[DT2, on = "Mark", allow.cartesian = T][between(num, numA, numB, incbounds = F) & between(value, valueA, valueB, incbounds = F)]

  non_equi_inner = {
    DT1[DT2, on=.(Mark, num>numA, num<numB, value>valueA, value<valueB), nomatch=0L, 
        .(ID, num=x.num, value=x.value, Mark), allow.cartesian = T]
  times = 10


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