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[英]What's the better function triage method: Switch-case, or Dictionary?

[EDIT: The code examples below are language-agnostic, although specific answers regarding java and C# are encouraged.] [编辑:下面的代码示例与语言无关,尽管鼓励有关javaC#特定答案。

In my game, there's a situation where the code uses a dynamic parameter value (from somewhere else) to decide which function to call from a number of candidates. 在我的游戏中,有一种情况是代码使用动态参数值(从其他位置开始)来决定要从多个候选对象中调用哪个函数。 Something like: 就像是:

string theParam = parameterFromSomewhereElse;
if(theParam == "apple")
else if(theParam == "banana")
else if(theParam == "cat")

Obviously, one way to do that is the above mentioned if-else , or even cleaner, switch-case , but I want to know if there are even better ways, if theParam can have, like, fifty values. 显然,一种实现方法是上述的if-else ,甚至更干净的switch-case ,但是我想知道,如果theParam可以有五十个值,是否还有更好的方法。

Two of my thoughts were: 我的两个想法是:

1) Something like a "dynamic named function calling"? 1)类似于“动态命名函数调用”?

string theParam = parameterFromSomewhereElse;
callFunction("callingFunctionFor_" + theParam);
/// where callFunction is some language defined utility?

2) Make a dictionary, with values as functions 2)制作一个字典,以值作为函数

global_dict = {
   "apple": callingFunctionFor_apple(),
   "banana": callingFunctionFor_banana(),
   "cat": callingFunctionFor_cat()

and then, simply, 然后,简单地,

global_dict[theParam](); // or something similar, ignore the syntax

Looked at these questions: 看了这些问题:

Comments in both indicate a preference to a normal switch-case , something like: 两者中的注释均表示优先使用普通的switch-case ,例如:

string theParam = parameterFromSomewhereElse;
switch theParam:
case "apple":
case "banana":
case "cat":

But, in my opinion, it's only visually a little cleaner than if-else (if not the same, because of the break s littering throughout.) I'd thought a global dictionary, one place to store all the function references, would be a preferred solution, but I sense there's something more to the tale. 但是,在我看来,这只是视觉上造成不小的吸尘器if-else (如果不相同,因为的break整个小号乱扔垃圾。)我还以为一个全球性的词典,一个用于存储所有的函数引用的地方,将是一个首选的解决方案,但我觉得这个故事还有更多的东西。

What do you recommend? 您有什么推荐的吗?

Below code can give some helping hand for you its written purely in c# 下面的代码可以为您提供帮助,它完全是用C#编写的

 public class InstanceCreator
    /// <summary>
    /// Get the Instance from a fully qualified Name
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="strFullyQualifiedName"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public object GetInstance(string strFullyQualifiedName)
        Type t = Type.GetType(strFullyQualifiedName);
        return Activator.CreateInstance(t);

    /// <summary>
    /// Invoking the Method By Passing the Instance as well as the Method Name
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="Instance">Instance Object</param>
    /// <param name="MethodName">Method Name</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public object InvokeMethod(object Instance, String MethodName) {
        Type t = Instance.GetType();
        MethodInfo method = t.GetMethod(MethodName);
        return method.Invoke(Instance, null);


public class SampleClass {

    public bool doAction() {
        return true;


public class TestClass {

    public Dictionary<String, String> FunctionList = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    public TestClass() {


    public void Verify() {
        String fullyQualifiedName = typeof(SampleClass).AssemblyQualifiedName;
        FunctionList.Add("SAMPLE", $"{fullyQualifiedName}#doAction");
        InstanceCreator Creator = new InstanceCreator();
        String[] FunctionMapping = FunctionList["SAMPLE"].Split('#');
        object Test = Creator.GetInstance(FunctionMapping[0]);
        bool Result = (bool)Creator.InvokeMethod(Test, FunctionMapping[1]);


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