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Python 打印非质数

[英]Python print non-prime numbers

I have a hackkerank coding challenge to print first n non prime numbers, i have the working code but the problem is that they have a locked code which prints numbers from 1 to n along with the output, in order to pass the test i need to print only the non prime numbers not 1...n numbers along with it.我有一个 hackkerank 编码挑战来打印前 n 个非素数,我有工作代码,但问题是他们有一个锁定的代码,它打印从 1 到 n 的数字以及 output,为了通过我需要的测试只打印非素数而不是 1...n 数字。 I cant comment the printing part of 1...n as it is blocked.我无法评论 1...n 的打印部分,因为它被阻止了。 please let me know the idea to print only 1st n non prime numbers:请让我知道只打印第一个 n 个非素数的想法:

here is my solution:这是我的解决方案:

def manipulate_generator(generator, n):
    if n>1:
    for elm in generator:
        if elm>3 and len(ls)<n:
            for k in range(2,elm):
                if elm%k==0 and elm not in ls:
                    if len(ls)==n:
                        return ls

That's the code I added but here is the code that's locked on which I have to write the code above to make it print the number one at a time那是我添加的代码,但这里是锁定的代码,我必须在上面编写代码以使其一次打印第一个

def positive_integers_generator():
    n = 1
    while True:
        x = yield n
        if x is not None:
            n = x
            n += 1

k = int(input())
g = positive_integers_generator()
for _ in range(k):
    n = next(g)
    manipulate_generator(g, n)

the point is the for _ in range(k): already prints out number which includes numbers I don't want printed out: This is the desired kind of output I want:for n=10 I want it to print out: output:关键是 for _ in range(k): 已经打印出数字,其中包括我不想打印出来的数字:这是我想要的 output 的类型:对于 n=10 我希望它打印出来:output:


I can't change this code but the one above is what I wrote and can be changed... Pleae help me out... Thanks in anticipation我无法更改此代码,但上面的代码是我写的并且可以更改...请帮助我...谢谢期待

Why not to throw away the numbers which we don't need?为什么不扔掉我们不需要的数字? Look at this solution which I implemented...看看我实施的这个解决方案......

def is_prime(n):
    for i in range(2, n):
        if n%i == 0:
            return False
    return True

def manipulate_generator(generator, n):
    if is_prime(n+1):
        manipulate_generator(generator, n+1)

Note: I understand that the logic can be improved to make it more efficient.注意:我知道可以改进逻辑以使其更有效率。 But, its the idea of skipping unnecessary number printing which is important here !但是,跳过不必要的数字打印的想法在这里很重要!

您可以打印从 1 到第一个素数的所有数字,然后从第一个数字到下一个数字,直到达到 n。

I'm not sure of your hackerrank situation, but printing the first N non-prime numbers efficiently can be done this way.我不确定您的hackerrank情况,但是可以通过这种方式有效地打印前N个非质数。

def non_prime_numbers_till_n(n):
    primes = set()
    for num in range(2,number + 1):
        if num > 1:
           for i in range(2, math.sqrt(num)):
               if (num % i) == 0:
     result = []
     for i in range(1, n):
         if i not in primes:
     return result

Depending on what your online editor expects you can either print them, or store them in a list and return the list.根据您的在线编辑器的期望,您可以打印它们,或将它们存储在列表中并返回列表。

Also bear in mind, you can only check upto the sqrt of the number to determine if its a prime or not.还要记住,您只能检查数字的 sqrt 以确定它是否是素数。

I eventually came up with this answer which I believe should solve it but id there;sa better way to solve it please add your answers:我最终想出了这个答案,我认为应该可以解决它,但在那里找到了答案;解决它的更好方法请添加您的答案:

def manipulate_generator(generator, n):
    for num in range(3,100000):
        for q in range(2,num):
            if num%q==0 and num>n:

this link python generator helped me to understand python generator这个链接python 生成器帮助我理解了 python 生成器

I just solved that right now.我现在刚刚解决了这个问题。 Like Swapnil Godse said you need to deal with all special cases to optimize computations.就像 Swapnil Godse 所说,您需要处理所有特殊情况以优化计算。 This link might be helpful: click here.此链接可能会有所帮助: 单击此处。

Here is the solution:这是解决方案:

from math import sqrt

def is_prime(n):
    if (n <= 1):
        return False
    if (n == 2):
        return True
    if (n % 2 == 0):
        return False

    i = 3
    while i <= sqrt(n):
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
        i = i + 2

    return True

def manipulate_generator(g, n):
    if is_prime(n+1):
        manipulate_generator(g, n+1) 
prime = int(input('Please enter the range: '))

prime_number = []

for num in range(prime):
    if num > 1:
        for i in range(2,num):
            if num % i == 0:
print(f'Prime numbers in range {prime} is {prime_number}')

all_number = []
for i in range(2,prime+1):

Non_prime_number = []

for element in all_number:
    if element not in prime_number:

print(f'Non Prime numbers in range {prime} is {Non_prime_number}')

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