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将参数包传递给另一个可变参数模板函数时,是否必须使用std :: forward

[英]Do I have to use std::forward when passing arguments pack to another variadic template function

How do I implement a function (foo) which passes a parameter pack to a function (bar) which finally passes that paramer pack to a class constructor? 如何实现将参数包传递给函数(栏)的函数(foo),该函数最终将参数包传递给类构造函数? This is the code: 这是代码:

template <typename... Args>
void bar(Args&&... args)
    MyObj obj(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
    /* Do something with obj */

Do I have to implement foo as 我是否必须将foo实现为

template <typename... Args>
void foo(Args&&... args)
{ bar(args...); }

Or 要么

template <typename... Args>
void foo(Args&&... args)
{ bar(std::forward<Args>(args)...); }

You need to use forward . 您需要使用forward forward looks like this: forward看起来像这样:

template <class T>
constexpr T&& forward(typename std::remove_reference<T>::type& t) noexcept
    return static_cast<T&&>(t);

(There is another overload of forward , but it is irrelevant here.) forward另一个重载,但在这里是无关紧要的。)

For each element Arg of the template parameter pack Args , Arg can be either: ( T is a non-reference type) 对于模板参数包Args每个元素ArgArg可以是:( T是非引用类型)

  • T& if the argument is a non-const lvalue, so that the parameter is of type T& ; T&如果参数是非常量左值,则参数为T&类型; or 要么

  • const T& if the argument is a const lvalue, so that the parameter is of type const T& ; const T&如果参数是const左值),则参数为const T&类型; or 要么

  • T if the argument is an rvalue, so that the parameter is of type T&& . T如果参数是一个rvalue,使得参数的类型的T&&

In the first case, forward<Arg>(arg) instantiates to: 在第一种情况下, forward<Arg>(arg)实例化为:

constexpr T& forward(T& t) noexcept
    return static_cast<T&>(t);

resulting in a non-const lvalue to be passed. 导致传递非常量左值。

In the second case, forward<Arg>(arg) instantiates to: 在第二种情况下, forward<Arg>(arg)实例化为:

constexpr const T& forward(const T& t) noexcept
    return static_cast<const T&>(t);

resulting in a const lvalue to be passed. 导致要传递一个常量左值。

In the last case, forward<Arg>(arg) instantiates to: 在最后一种情况下, forward<Arg>(arg)实例化为:

constexpr T&& forward(T&& t) noexcept
    return static_cast<T&&>(t);

resulting in an rvalue to be passed. 导致传递右值。

In all three cases, the value category is preserved, and the value is forwarded with modification to bar . 在所有这三种情况下,值类别都会保留,并且值会修改为bar而转发。

If you don't use forward , you will be unconditionally passing an lvalue, which is not desired. 如果不使用forward ,则将无条件传递一个左值,这是不希望的。

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