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[英]Is there a PNaCl test module that devs can use to see if PNaCl is running?

One of our partners makes an app that uses the Chrome Portable Native Client plugin, PNaCl for short. 我们的一位合作伙伴制作了一款使用Chrome便携式本机客户端插件(简称PNaCl)的应用。 We use this app on our website, and some of our users have problems loading it, and I think that in many cases it is because PNaCl is being blocked from running for some reason (or maybe isn't installed properly). 我们在网站上使用了该应用程序,并且某些用户在加载该应用程序时遇到了问题,我认为在许多情况下,这是因为由于某些原因(或可能未正确安装)而阻止了PNaCl的运行。

What would be really ideal is if I could run some super-minimal PNaCl app that just does something very basic, like adding a class to the parent page body, and stops, on the page BEFORE we send people off to our partner's app. 真正理想的是,如果我可以运行一些超基本的PNaCl应用程序,而该应用程序仅做一些非常基本的事情,例如将类添加到父页面主体,然后在页面上停止,然后再将人们送往合作伙伴的应用程序。 Then, I can wait a short while and test (with javascript) if the body has that class, and if it doesn't, assume there's some PNaCl problem and highlight that to the user, with some helpful info etc. 然后,我可以稍等片刻,然后(使用javascript)测试主体是否具有该类,如果没有,则假定存在PNaCl问题,并向用户突出显示该问题,并提供一些有用的信息等。

I know zero about writing PNaCl apps, and so this might turn into a bit of an annoying diversion from my actual job. 我知道关于写PNaCl应用程序,所以这可能会变成我的实际工作有点恼人的分流。 But, it occurred to me that I'm probably not the first person to have this problem, and that maybe someone else has done a very basic PNaCl app already that does something like this, which I could utilize. 但是,我想到我可能不是第一个遇到此问题的人,也许其他人已经做了一个非常基本的PNaCl应用程序,它可以执行类似的操作。

So, questions: 所以,问题:

  • Does anyone know if there is a PNaCl app like this? 有谁知道是否有这样的PNaCl应用程序?
  • Is there a repo of publically available PNaCl apps that I can browse? 我可以浏览公开提供的PNaCl应用程序的存储库吗?
  • does it even work in this way, where I can just reuse someone else's app on my website? 它甚至可以这样工作吗,我可以在我的网站上重复使用别人的应用程序? Eg would I need to register it with Chrome or something? 例如,我需要在Chrome或其他设备上注册它吗?

Basically, any advice welcome... thanks! 基本上,欢迎任何意见...谢谢!

Starting with Chrome 76 PNaCl is available only as an origin trial (on its way to full removal from the open web in December 2019). 从Chrome 76开始,PNaCl仅作为原产地试用提供(即将于2019年12月从开放网络中完全删除)。 See the announcement for more details. 有关更多详细信息,请参见公告

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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