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[英]How to render a page in pug template engine in node.js

I want to render a page when I click on Signin . 当我单击Signin时,我想呈现一个页面。 I use a Service Oriented Architecture , in which I use the Pug Template Engine for making an Admin-Panel . 我使用Service Oriented Architecture ,其中使用Pug模板引擎制作Admin-Panel When I click on SignIn , it give the error below. 当我单击SignIn ,出现以下错误。

{"error":{"message":"Not found"}} {“错误”:{“消息”:“未找到”}}

I don't know where I made a mistake. 我不知道我在哪里弄错了。 Please help me. 请帮我。

Here is the welcome.pug code where there is a Signin link. 这是welcome.pug代码,其中包含一个Signin链接。 Please see if I use the correct url or not. 请查看我是否使用正确的url

  doctype html
  html(lang='{{ app()->getLocale() }}')
      meta(http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible', content='IE=edge')
      meta(name='viewport', content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1')
      title QuizLit
      // Fonts
      link(href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Raleway:100,600', rel='stylesheet', type='text/css')
      // Styles
        html, body {
        background-color: #fff;
        color: #636b6f;
        font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;
        font-weight: 100;
        height: 100vh;
        margin: 0;
        .full-height {
        height: 100vh;
        .flex-center {
        align-items: center;
        display: flex;
        justify-content: center;
        .position-ref {
        position: relative;
        .top-right {
        position: absolute;
        right: 10px;
        top: 18px;
        .content {
        text-align: center;
        .title {
        font-size: 84px;
        .links > a {
        color: #636b6f;
        padding: 5px 25px;
        font-size: 24px;
        font-weight: 600;
        letter-spacing: .1rem;
        text-decoration: none;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        border: solid 1px #636b6f;
        border-radius: 50px;
        .m-b-md {
        margin-bottom: 30px;
            | Welcome to QuizLit
            a(href='/login') Sign in

Here is the structure of my code. 这是我的代码的结构。


Here is the login.pug file 这是login.pug文件

  include ../layout/main

  block content
  // Horizontal Form
        b Admin
    // /.login-logo
      p.login-box-msg Sign in to start your session
      form(role='form', method='POST', action="/login")
        .has-feedback(class="form-group{{ $errors->has('email') ? ' has-error' : '' }}")
          input#email.form-control(type='email', name='email', value=" ", placeholder='Email', required='')
          //- |         @if ($errors->has('email'))
          //-   strong {{ $errors->first('email') }}
          //- |         @endif
        .has-feedback(class="form-group{{ $errors->has('password') ? ' has-error' : '' }}")
          input#password.form-control(type='password', name='password', placeholder='Password', required='')
          //- |             @if ($errors->has('password'))
          //-   strong {{ $errors->first('password') }}
          //- |             @endif
                |  Remember Me
          // /.col
            button.btn.btn-primary.btn-block.btn-flat(type='submit') Sign In
          // /.col

  //- | @section('page_specific_scripts')
    $(function () {
    checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square-blue',
    radioClass: 'iradio_square-blue',
    increaseArea: '20%' /* optional */

And here is the Api.js code: 这是Api.js代码:

'use strict'

const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const adminAuthService = require('../service/adminAuthService');
const middlewares = require('../../../base/service/middlewares/accessControl');

router.post("/login", (req, res, next) => {
        .then(data => {
            return res.send(data)
        }, err => next(err))

router.post("/createstudent", middlewares.assertUserIsAdmin, (req, res, next) => {
    // router.post("/createstudent", (req, res, next) => {
        .then(data => {
            return res.send(data)
        }, err => next(err))

module.exports = router;

Here is the Index.js file: 这是Index.js文件:

'use strict'

const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const adminRoutes = require("./admin");
const teacherRoutes = require("./teacher");
const appRoutes = require("./api");

router.use("/admin", adminRoutes);
router.use("/teacher", teacherRoutes);
router.use("/api", appRoutes);

router.get('/', (req, res, next) => {

module.exports = router

How should I separately define the Web Routes and Api Routes to use a Service Oriented Architecture in Node.js. 如何在Node.js中分别定义Web RoutesApi Routes以使用面向服务的体系结构。

Firstly you do not have any /login route in the index.js file, so /login on the button would not work. 首先, index.js文件中没有任何/login路由,因此按钮上的/ login将不起作用。

Secondly you don't seem to have any route handler which will render the login.pug file. 其次,您似乎没有任何路由处理程序将呈现login.pug文件。 You can define this in the index.js file as a GET route 您可以在index.js文件中将其定义为GET路由

router.get('/login', (req, res, next) => {

You can even keep this route handler in your api.js file in which case the effective route for the button would be 您甚至可以将此路由处理程序保留在api.js文件中,在这种情况下,按钮的有效路由为

   a(href='/api/login') Sign in

Another thing that may help is including a POST method request in your pug file. 可能有所帮助的另一件事是在您的pug文件中包含POST方法请求。

At the moment, it appears you only have an API endpoint for /login listening for POST requests. 目前,您似乎只有一个用于/login侦听POST请求的API端点。

@stephen suggested you add a get route. @stephen建议您添加一条获取路线。 If you don't want to or can't do that, you need to call /login with a POST method. 如果您不想或不能这样做,则需要使用POST方法调用/login Make sure to pass along the user information needed to authenticate them. 确保传递通过身份验证所需的用户信息。

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