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[英]vue.js : Property or method "" is not defined, Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property '' of undefined"

I am creating chat app by vue.js and laravel.我正在通过 vue.js 和 laravel 创建聊天应用程序。

I would like to show contacts list as messenger app.我想将联系人列表显示为信使应用程序。 But I cannot see the list of users.但我看不到用户列表。

In components/ContactsList.vue, I have following errors.在 components/ContactsList.vue 中,我有以下错误。

Property or method "contact" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render.

Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'profile_image' of undefined"

TypeError: Cannot read property 'profile_image' of undefined

我的错误控制台 1 在此处输入图像描述 This is ContactsList.vue code.这是 ContactsList.vue 代码。

    <div class="contacts-list">
            <li v-for="(contact ,index) in contacts" :key="contact.id" @click="selectContact(index, contact)" 
             :class="{ 'selected': index == selected }"></li>componvue.jsCont
                <div class="avatar">
                    <img :src="contact.profile_image" :alt="contact.name">
                <div class="contact">
                    <p class="name">{{ contact.name }}</p>
                    <p class="email">{{ contact.email }}</p>

export default {
    props: {
        contacts: {
            type: Array,
            default: [],
    data() {
        return {
            selected: 0
    methods: {//selectContactをおしたら
        selectContact(index, contact) {
            this.selected = index;
            this.$emit('selected', contact);

And UserFactory.php和 UserFactory.php


/** @var \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factory $factory */
use App\User;
use App\Message;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use Faker\Generator as Faker;

| Model Factories
| This directory should contain each of the model factory definitions for
| your application. Factories provide a convenient way to generate new
| model instances for testing / seeding your application's database.

$factory->define(User::class, function (Faker $faker) {
    return [
        'name' => $faker->name,
        'phone' => $faker->phoneNumber,
        'email' => $faker->unique()->safeEmail,
        'profile_image' => 'http://via.placeholder.com/150',
        'email_verified_at' => now(),
        'password' => '$2y$10$92IXUNpkjO0rOQ5byMi.Ye4oKoEa3Ro9llC/.og/at2.uheWG/igi', // password
        'remember_token' => Str::random(10),

$factory->define(Message::class, function (Faker $faker) {
    do {
        $from = rand(1,15);
        $to = rand(1, 15);
    } while($from == $to);
    return [
        'from' => $from,
        'to' => $to,
        'text' => $faker->sentence

I read this document but I couldn't figure it out.我阅读了这份文件,但我无法弄清楚。 https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html#Declaring-Reactive-Properties . https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html#Declaring-Reactive-Properties

I am glad if you help me out.如果你能帮助我,我很高兴。

Your closing </li> is in the wrong place.你的结束</li>是在错误的地方。 This is causing contact variables to fall outside of the v-for loop.这导致contact变量落在v-for循环之外。

I assume you want:我假设你想要:

    <li v-for="(contact ,index) in contacts" :key="contact.id" @click="selectContact(index, contact)" 
        :class="{ 'selected': index == selected }">
        <div class="avatar">
            <img :src="contact.profile_image" :alt="contact.name">
        <div class="contact">
            <p class="name">{{ contact.name }}</p>
            <p class="email">{{ contact.email }}</p>
    </li> <!-- CLOSING TAG -->


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