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JAXB 或 Jackson 用于 xml 解组?

[英]JAXB or Jackson for xml unmarshalling?

Receiving an XML response, there are two main solutions decoding xml to a DTO object.接收XML响应时,有两种主要的解决方案将 xml 解码为 DTO 对象。 Why should one prefer JAXB over jackson , or the other way around?为什么应该更喜欢JAXB不是jackson ,或者相反?


Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
XMLStreamReader reader = XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(new StringReader(xmlString));
unmarshaller.unmarshal(reader, DtoObject.class);


mapper = new ObjectMapper() / new XmlMapper();
mapper.readValue(xmlString, DtoObjectc.class);

In my opinion, I will use JAXB, the following reason.在我看来,我会使用JAXB,原因如下。

  1. It is quite matured and part of JDK.它已经相当成熟并且是 JDK 的一部分。
  2. I do not need third party additional library to use我不需要第三方附加库来使用
  3. Jackson2 XML transformation is new as compared to JAXB which is in the industry for a quite long time and there are lot of community for it.与 JAXB 相比,Jackson2 XML 转换是新的,JAXB 在行业中已经存在了很长时间,并且有很多社区。

However I am not saying that which is good or bad.然而,我并不是说这是好是坏。 Again it is a choice to the developer to use.同样,它是开发人员使用的选择。

From functionality, there is no difference.从功能上来说,没有区别。 All is for java object <--> xml object.全部用于 java 对象 <--> xml 对象。 However, there is performance difference.但是,存在性能差异。 I have tested with Jmeter between JAXB and Dozer Mapper.我已经在 J​​AXB 和 Dozer Mapper 之间使用 Jmeter 进行了测试。 Result shows JAXB is about 50% efficient.结果显示 JAXB 的效率约为 50%。 I don't know what about Jackson.我不知道杰克逊怎么样。 But from my personal experience.但是从我个人的经验来看。 I prefer to JAXB.我更喜欢JAXB。 For your reference.供你参考。

XmlMapper requires less configuration and on edge cases like PascalCase mapping it works when jaxb2 does not. XmlMapper 需要较少的配置,并且在像PascalCase映射这样的边缘情况下,它可以在 jaxb2 不工作时工作。


Use the same version as the other things you have with com.fasterxml.使用与 com.fasterxml 中的其他内容相同的版本。

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